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"Why are you all staring at me?" I ask, getting weird looks in return. I wipe my face and realized nothing was on it. Jimin told me that they were only waiting for me, but the tension and facial expressions told me otherwise.

I'm not completely dumb when it comes to things. I could tell that something had just happened to cause all of this confusion for me and tension for them. But what exactly?

"Let's just work on learning the lyrics." Yoongi says as he looks at me and then shifts his eyes to Tae. He was standing there with wide eyes and was staring at me like he had just found out he was pregnant.

Yoongi and Tae shared eye contact before Taehyung ran up to him and grabbed him. He forced him into the same room from earlier and shut the door without a word. I looked at Hobi and Jimin for any answers, but they just shrugged and kept working on dancing.

I stood there with a blank face and just watched them, not knowing what else to do.


  Finally after about ten minutes, both boys came back out of the room. Taehyung had a smirk on his face, which is unusual, and Yoongi looked more shy than ever. He looked cute and his lips were sticking out barely noticeably, but still enough to see the pout.

  "Yoongi~" We all suddenly heard a voice coming from the entrance. Everyone's head snapped to the door and saw a boy about our age standing there. He had on normal looking clothes and he had beautiful long hair and a soft looking face. He looked slightly like a woman at first glance.

  "Oh, you must be Yoongi's friends!" The boy said to me, Jimin, and Tae. Hobi obviously already knew him, I could tell by the roll of his eyes and the little sigh he let out. "I'm- You can call me Ren." He said as he picked up my hand without permission and shook it forcefully, and then repeating it with Taehyung.

  Tae had a 'what the hell' kind of face as the boy walked up to him, but he still shook his hand and smiled back. "I'm Taehyung. Call me Tae for short." He said to him.

  "I'm Jungkook." I said hesitantly. The boy looked me up and down and then directed his attention to Jimin who was across the room.

  "I-I'm Jimin." He said and hurried to Ren to shake his hand as well, trying to fit in.

  "Great to meet you all." Ren said and looked at me again. "Just so you know, you're pretty hot." He said, and I choked as I swallowed.

  "Well- thanks." I said nervously.

  "Yeah, but you're not as cute as my little Yoon!" Ren said and squished Yoongi's cheek, making him look embarrassed.

  "Don't call me Yoon~" Yoongi whined, But smiled at Ren anyways. Hobi rolled his eyes and looked at Ren.

  "It's never gonna happen, just give up already." Hobi said to him. "It's been years. Go be annoying in someone else's studio."

  Ren smirked as he looked back at Hoseok with devilish eyes.

  "Last I heard, this wasn't your studio." He scoffed. "Aren't you too poor to buy one? Is my father's studio the only thing you can afford using?" He laughed which caused me to grow angry at him. What the fuck???

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