Love Is In The Air. I Just Don't Love You.

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(Were going back to Jelsa)

 Elsa's POV 

 I had just walked into school wearing a white blouse, navy blue jeans, and matching blue flats with my hair in the usual french braid. I glanced at my friends and sa- Am I the only single one? Once ler had his arms around Mavis, Flynn was laughing with Punzie(We became friends when she apologized. :)) , Kristoff was eating a sand which with Anna, Hiccup was giggling with Merida, and that left me standing there confused. 

 Should I be happy that they admit their feelings or should I be confused that it all happen in one afternoon. I wouldn't say that I didn't meet anyone though. I met Pitch. But what was with Jackson? Telling me what to do. I rolled my eyes at that thought.

 I glanced back at my friends and saw them still be all couple like. I giggled at that. Maybe I'll meet my guy this year. I wonder....

 *Bell rings*

 The bell had rang making me tightened my grip on my bag. I was now walking with four couples around me. We finally made it to English. Everyone of my friends sat beside their boy/girl friend leaving me sitting in a row with Punzie and Flynn while the others are in a row together.

 I  was BORED....So I took a book out. Paper Towns. And began reading. I had heard a loud thud and glanced at who it was. Seriously. Jackson. I sighed and rolled my eyes as he put his backpack down.

 "Hey Elsa" he said as he was reaching for something in his backpack. I remained silent and went back to reading. I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look up. He had a bouquet of white tulips with some kind of rare baby blue roses. They were beautiful. 

 "Umm..." he said as he was looking away from me making me raise a brow. "They're for you" he said as my eyes widen a bit. I can't accept. 

 "So will you please take these flowers and make me the happiest Jack Frost on earth" he said as if he was purposing. I shook my head and went back to my book. They were beautiful ,but I can't accept. 

 I noticed he had a frown on his face and Iooked back at him and mouthed what? "I thought you would take these flowers" he said with an upset expression. "Sorry, but I don't deserve those" I said as I went back to reading.

 "Are you kidding" he asked as I kept my eyes on the book. "With your beauty, your intelligence, your kindness, your-" I cutted him off with a glare. "You don't even know me" I said as he bit his lip. 

 "Then why don't we get to know each other" he said with joy as I made a expression that said ehh-no. "Come on. You can't be rude to me with out getting to know who I am" he said. "I know exactly who you are. You're are those kind of guys who skips class, gets bad grades, popular, rich, is good at evey sport, and expects every girl to fall for you" I snapped back as he remained silent.

 Mr. Weasel Town had walked in and began class. The whole time I was paying attention, participating, and taking notes. I had this weird feeling that I was being watched by someone like yesterday. Its weird.

 I can't help ,but notice Jackson's sad expression. He had his head on his desk mumbling something to himself. I went back to Mr. Weasel Town ,but was disrupted as Jackson began banging his head on to his desk now. I rolled my eyes at that.

 Why is he over reacting? I just said no. But for some reason a part of me can't see him like this. 

 *Bell rings*

 The bell had rang and everyone rushed out of the door as I stayed inside with Jackson(Mr. Weasel Town was runned over by students). I glanced at him as he still had his head down on his desk. I grabbed the bouquet of flowers and smelled them. It was a nice smell for my nose. Mmmmm. Beautiful, just beautiful. 

 I glanced at him realizing that he didn't notice that I took the flowers out of his hand. I went to his ear and whispered "I don't know if you can hear me ,but thank you. Thank you for the flowers. I love them" as a smirked appeared on my face. He didn't look up so I walked out and headed to second period. 

 When I was outside I heard some 'Yeses' and 'I'm the happiest Jack Frost on earth'.  I couldn't help ,but giggle. I was walking to Math and heard a loud thud. I speed walked to where it was coming from and noticed it was Hiccup with another bully again. Why is he the one who always gets picked on? I feel bad for him.

 I looked at the scene and it seemed that Hiccup was pushed against the lockers. Hiccup winced a bit at the pain. Some guy who pushed Hiccup and was laughing at him along with a few other guys. 

 I couldn't let my friend get pushed around like that. 

 "Stop" I yelled at them as I went in front of Hiccup. The guys stopped laughing to only glare at me. All except one. The one who had pushed Hiccup. His eyes were widen actually. 

 "We were just about to leave him alone" he said calmly. "Alright then" I said as I turned to Hiccup and took a hand out to help him up. He took it and dusted off his hoodie and jeans before saying "thanks." 

 "No problem" I said with a warm smile as he returned it. A tap was felt on my shoulder and I glanced at who it was. That bully was still there. "May I have your name and possibly your phone number" he asked politely.

 I was surprised at this. "Uhhh you can have my name ,but not my number" I said as he nodded and smiled. "Elsa, Elsa Summers. Your's" I asked as he grinned. 

 "Hans Southern Isles" he said as he bowed a bit. 


 Yep that's right. I added Hans. Lets see what will happen when Elsa has Jack, Pitch and Hans head over heals for her. Please vote, follow(I follow back), comment, and share. Message to @Alicofroever, you will be in the next chapter that has Elsa's POV so don't worry.

 Just want to thank the following for voting my story. You people gave me confidence to continue this story. :)









 So thank you, thank you, thank you. Espically for the 43 votes. I mean I didn't think that I would get 12. So I thank you again. (Makes mini Oalfs for everyone)


-Snow Queen

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