Chapter 28

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Ivy's POV

I heard a noise and next thing I knew, the Hungry Wolf Knights came flying through the walls and my friends came out through the holes left behind.

"Hey Ivy, I'm glad you're safe!" Lucy said once she saw me. I smiled back and nodded.

"Yup. All thanks to Sukoshi." I hug her and pet her fur softly. "She's such a smart Exceed." Natsu tried to get the way out of the executioners, but we didn't get anything. So again we began walking. I smiled as I saw Leo.

"Hey Loke." I said, he smiled back and gave me a wink.

"Hey Ivy." I hummed as I walked next to him and we caught up a bit. We came across a door, and before Natsu could open it, it opened on it's own, and there stood a hooded figure. She began crying, and then pulled her hood back, showing... Lucy?

"I'm begging you, please help. The whole kingdom is doomed." The other Lucy said. I looked between her and our Lucy. I was so confused, as always when it comes to Lucy related world destruction.

The other Lucy explained that she came from the future, to warn us about the kingdom, and then collapsed. And of course this freaked present Lucy out. We exited the prison, but was still having trouble getting out of the castle. We made it to the dining hall, and future Lucy woke up. Apparently we were going to be captured by royal guards again, and put behind guards again because we got too close to the Eclipse Gate and lost all our magic.

Apparently, more than ten thousand dragons were returning and were going to cause complete and total destruction. Future Lucy was shocked that we even believed her, and I frowned.

"If we're in the castle when all this shit happen, shouldn't we, I don't know, GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CASTLE NOW?!" I asked. Lucy, present Lucy, glared at me, about to sass me, when future Lucy cut her off, telling us to go find Jellal.

"Well then, let's go!" I proposed, looking around and trying to find which way to go. Future Lucy helpfully found the way out for us... sort of... we ran into the royal army anyways. And we lost Yukino and the captain dude. Natsu, Loke and I beat down the Royal guard and soon Mirajane went to go find Yukino and the others joined the fight.

And the fucking Hungry Wolf Knights came back. I was less than impressed.

"I thought you all dealt with them already." I groaned, before getting a Thunder Boom ready. After setting five off, one on each of the Hungry Wolves to help out my friends. Suddenly, a shadow came and seemed to devour some of the soldiers, as well as the Hungry Wolf Knights.

And out from the shadow, came a Future Rouge, seven years exactly. And he came to use the Eclipse to defeat the ten thousand dragons that were coming. And he came to kill Lucy, but future Lucy jumped in the way of the attack, and died. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face, and when she went limp, I screamed, sending lightning down the halls. I turned to Future Rouge, having just deflected one of Natsu's punches.

"Ivy, take Lucy and get out of here." Natsu said, lighting his fist aflame again.

"Not this time, I'm taking this fucker down with you."

"Ivy!" I turned to Natsu, his eyes alight like I've never seen them before. I gave a nod.

"If you don't beat his ass, I'm kicking yours." And I turned and took the other's with me, summoning a Thunder Boom to send out at any second. We headed outside and the gate was opening. The princess had informed us that Fairy Tail won the games, but there were no dragons in sight yet. It was making me nervous.

The gate opened, and Lucy began to approach it, telling us to close it.

"But you promised you wouldn't this time." I said as I came up beside her. But she didn't seem to be herself, not completely. And that's when the ground began to shake, and a fucking dragon walked out of the gate. "Well shit." And it roared, and one step sent a wind blast that destroyed out to the outer wall. And it had been so long since I saw a dragon, and as soon as the first one came through, so did a second, completely covered in flames. And they just continued to come out. I went with Lucy to the pedestal that would shut the gate, and we successfully did so once Yukino came and helped, but only after six dragons and a wyvern were out, which was so much better than ten thousand, bet definitely going to be a pain in the ass.

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