Dear Universe

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Take her
Take this broken soul, universe
Take every split thread and tell stories
Take every shard, and every remark and make a mark tattooed upon a constellation of stars
Make the galaxy remember
Hear the cries as times fly
Take her, universe, and sow together her seams.
Let it been seen
Let every sin, mistake, failure, and success be known.
Let it all out upon the cool breeze on a scalding hot summer day
Regret seems to be a hard thing
But the truth seems to be harder to swallow, chocking upon its juices as the throat closes
Feeling like we need to be coded.
Universe, tell the story
But Dear universe, don't go easy on the truth.
Let the chocking begin, and the anger rise, because sooner or later it will all be smoothed over, as truth wraps its arms around the reality of all the things that happen in the century.
Take her, universe
Show her the hard to swallow truth.

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