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Keisha: I wake up in the middle of the night Chercanto was up to I tip toed up but he pull my leg I fell on my back rolling holding on to something to stop

it didn't work

Chercanto: thought that I wouldn't catch you for pay back

Keisha: Bae!

Chercanto: they can't hear you your mine

Keisha: what about yo Niggas

Chercanto: They went home

Keisha: Damn we're play fighting he takes me in he so call room Lay me on the bed put my arms up I open my legs wait my friends

Chercanto: don't worry they won't know or your mom and my dad ok

Keisha: OH LORD!

Chercanto: get on the floor they're up

Keisha: I go in my room and charm is up I said sup and I grabbed some clothes washed my body washed my hair got out put b&p t-shirt and sweatpants went in my room

Boo Thang: keke were did you sleep

Keisha: in Chercanto's room with him cuz his friends went home and I had no choice

Bae: ok

Keisha: plus I don't like him like that


Wifey: yea right

Keisha: he's almost my step brother

wifey: oh

Keisha: yea

Boo: we need to go

Keisha: ight hugs they go out the door

I go to my room Chercanto is in it what you want

Chercanto: you again

Keisha: you got your pay back Chercanto stop stop stupid me and Chercanto on the bed THANK YOU GOD.

( 3 minutes latter)

Ma: I am home

Keisha: Chercanto stop ,stop ! my mom's here

Chercanto: O shit she gets up out the bed

Keisha: what you looking at

Chercanto: you got a problem

Keisha: yes what you looking at my body

Chercanto: To late

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