Revenge is a dish best served with a chainsaw part 2.

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Previously on the psychotic and the psycho.

"Now where is she!" I yelled again getting impatient.

"I-I... I don't know." Tiana once again Stuttered out.

"Bullshit! I'm not stupid Tiana something is up with you." I said deciding on confronting her now. "You working for him aren't you?" I asked.



Ever felt like murdering someone and then bringing them back to life with your sister's boyfriend power because he got the ability to do so? No? Well aren't you just lucky. I stood infront of my sister trying hard not to hurt her as I waited anxiously for her reply.

"I'm not working for him." Tiana finally said.

I searched my sister's eyes. Not believing a single word she said. Although I want to. But I mean shes been spending way to much time with that skeezer, Nathan who knows what type of bull his been doing to her while we not there.

"Then where have you been disapearing to then?" I asked raising a brow at her.

I watch as my sister's eyes widen like I just asked her to make out with a hobo or something. "I-I d-do p-pole dancing classes." She stuttered. Wait what?!

"Pole dancing?" Cally, Kim and I asked in sync. Shocked by what just spewed out her mouth.

"Yup I take pole dancing classes." She said alil more confidant. Well then my sis be a hoe.

"You wanna be a stripper?" Kim asked innocently.

"Hell no!" She said alil to defensively.

"Then what?" I asked curiously.

"For Ian." She said.

"Well then Ian is one lucky guy." Caroline sighed/chuckle out.

Great now my sister is  a whore. I gotta admit I'm much more happier knowing she isn't with Nathan and that saggy crew of his.

"Pack your things ladies we gonna blow this mother." Ethan said strutting in with Cole and Bryce behind him.

"What?" We all said in sync.

"Don't look at me it was Zack and Cody's idea." Ethan defended as he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Where we gonna live?!" Kim asked more like yelled but meh.

"Zack booked a hotel and we staying there untill we get the baby back and move to a small island Zack bought."

Perfect now we can Fuck other places up.

"Where's Colette?" Tiana asked.

"With Cody." Everyone yelled annoyed.

I watched my sister stick her nose in the air and walk to the bedroom but walked into a wall on the way.

Everyone sniggered at her as she flipped them off and walked out again. That's my girl.


Zack Pov.

"Everybody out?" I asked Ethan.

"Yup." He nodded.

"Great." I smirked as I pressed a button that was wired with bombs around the house.

The house went up in a huge explosion and it crumbled down into rubble. I wish Bambi was here to see this she would of loved it.

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