Wedding Night. Part Two

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That morning, Can had woken before his wife. The sight of Sanem sleeping next to him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She faced towards him, her left arm tucked up under her head. Beams of sunlight fell on her, making her hair shimmer. He loved how it appeared to turn a mahogany red in certain lights. He stayed there, watching her for what felt like an hour, before his stomach's insistence to go and find food became overbearing.


When Sanem appeared from the house later that day, in nothing but a black and white polka-dot bikini, he had almost pounced on her.

Can remembered reading an article a few years ago. He couldn't remember if it was satire or not... It had been a story about a devout married couple in America, who had remained celibate even after their wedding. They had done so by – bizarrely- eating a raw potato every time they got particularly riled up. It had been funny at the time. Now, Can felt like he needed a raw potato himself.

He swallowed, watching as her cheeks turned a slight rush of rose.


Sanem catches her breath, still recovering from her orgasm. She rolls onto her side, allowing her a better view her husband. His warm body lay beside her, watching her patiently. Her skin is still tingling but she is starting to feel normal again. She finds his eyes, which are blown wide. Dilated and dark. She smiles at him and presses her nose into his chest, half in embarrassment, and half just because she wants to be close; to breath into his skin.

He buries a grin into her hair, running his hands through it for a moment. She lets him hold her for a few minutes, content to be in his embrace. Eventually, she sighs, then moves back to get a better look at him. He is still, much to her disappointment, in his shorts. Her eyes catch sight of the bulge straining against the fabric. She stares at it, mesmerised. Then licking her hips, she reaches out.

"Off." She points at his belt buckle.

"Are you sure? We don't have to go any further tonight if you don't want to." Oh shut up Can.

"Off!" She orders again, making both of them laugh. She unbuckles his belt, then he pulls his trousers down his legs, letting them drop to the floor beside the bed.

He moves back over her, pressing a kiss to her lips. He unravels the bow behind her back, that had kept her bikini top in place. She let outs a whiny breath when he places his mouth over her nipple. He moves from one to the other. Eventually, Sanem groans impatiently and pulls him up to kiss her again.

"I want you. All of you." She insists, her hands digging into his hair, holding his face close. He glances at her wet lips, taking deep breaths to steady himself. Then he nods. He tugs his boxer briefs down his legs, allowing himself to be completely unrestrained, then kisses her again.


Can had never paid much attention to the concept of marriage up until a few years ago. He had never fallen deep enough with anyone else to consider it. He logically knew it would probably happen someday. But before he met Sanem it seemed like a very distant 'maybe'. Can had known, almost as soon as they had officially begun dating, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He had been completely ecstatic when she had admitted the same.

Can had felt like such a fool that he had ever considered cutting her out of his life; when all their secrets had come spilling out and his heart had broken. How could she do that to me? He was so glad she hadn't been scared away by his anger. Eventually, they had forgiven one another. Can was beyond happy that they had fallen into such a good place now. She was everything he wanted. Everything he needed. She knew how to make him laugh, how to calm him when he was angry, how to soothe him when work became too much. She knew how to look after him. He wants to spend the rest of his life returning the favour.

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