Next Day (Edited)

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It was early in the morning, somewhere from 6 to 7 AM. Peter Parker was seen peacefully sleeping in his own bed, his clothes and hair messed up.

Then, the clock rang. Peter groaned, hitting the clock shut. He opens his eyes groggily, wiping the sleepiness as he sits up. He looks back at his clock and groans again, "It's Monday...yay...!" He says sarcastically.

"I'm not excited for training," Peter muttered to himself. He stands up and stretches. After that, he thought of what his schedule will be for today.

"Well, there's the usual: getting up, getting ready, going to school...and stuff." He deadpanned over the last bit.

He sighs and changes to his new clothes for school.

Later, he walks downstairs to meet his aunt, May. Her back was facing him, yet she seems to know he was here, "Hello, Peter!" She greeted, giving a light chuckle. Peter gives one in response, "Hi, Aunt May."

She turns around and places a stack of pancakes on the table, she gives a small smile, "Breakfast is ready."

"Thank you," Peter says, smiling as well. He eats up his mass amount of pancakes, thanks to his huge Metabolism, and stands up. "Thanks, again.." He says, then looks up at aunt May, who nods in acknowledgment. "I'm going to go somewhere tonight, with my friends."

Aunt May hummed, nodding her head, "Okay! Have fun! Also, don't be late!" She turns to him, "Last time you did, you made me worried sick."

Peter chuckled, nervously rubbing his neck, "Okay." He smiles confidently, "Don't worry, I'll come back though."


Peter grabs his backpack and leaves.

Peter Parker's POV

10 minutes later, I arrived at school. Finally, it's been a while since I wasn't late.

While I was roaming around, a voice shouted for me, "Hey!" I turned around and smiled, seeing one of my great friends, Harry Osborn.

(Freeze Frame) "Also, if you don't know who this guy is, his name is Harry Osborn...obviously, he lives in the Osborn tower and super duper rich... Also everyone loves him." (Freeze Frame ends)

"It's nice to know you came early today." Harry teased, I scoff in slight annoyance, "That's rude."

"I'm not lying though!" He laughed, throwing his hands up.

"Well, I had to." I explained, "For the test."

Harry was about to respond when MJ walked in, including the rest of the- my team. Ava walked next to me, "Hi, Pete. So, what's the special occasion today?" She asks, clearly talking about how early I came to school.

I sighed, "Oh y'know, cause of that and that." I replied very vaguely.

"You mean the test, right?" She smirked.

We made eye contact and stared for...possibly the longest time until the lights went out in the whole school. This freaked everyone out.

Sam, Luke, Danny, Ava, and I noticed the situation and went outside. My eyes widened in realization, "Guys...I might know who did this." I whispered to them.

I motioned them to dress up, and we did exactly that. They knew what I was talking about... except Sam, unsurprisingly. "It's Doctor Ock, 100%." He remarked. We looked at Sam, incredulous.

"What...?" He says, noticing our stares. "No bucket-head," Ava, now White Tiger growled angrily, "Spidey is talking about Electro!"

Nova/Sam looked threatened and squeaked an apology. White Tiger rolled her eyes. "This isn't the time to mess around, guys! We gotta find him before he messes up  the city again!" Luke/Powerman says, breaking their conversation.

"Namaste..." Danny/Iron Fist commented, agreeing. I looked at Iron Fist, then at the rest of my team. Then, my spidey senses went off. "Guys, Du-"

Electro appears, and electrifies them, making them pass unconscious. This makes my eyes widened, in both fear and anger. "Oh, you fool! You should've seen the look on your face!" He laughed, giving a cocky aura. I growled under my breath and webbed at him, who dodges it. He laughs, making my eyes narrow even more. When he was mid-laughing, I jump-kicked him, grabbed his head, and threw him to the school roof, shocking him. I quickly threw multiple webs at him, trapping him. I smirked and then knocked him out with overcharged electric webs that made him pass out.

I sigh, then take the unconscious Electro to the Tri-Carrier, while the rest of my team are carried by medics there.

The SHIELD agents took Electro off my hands and placed him in a cell. Nick Fury comes up, impressed. I raise an eyebrow at the director, "Good job, kid. Taking a dangerous villain like him is a cause of disaster, but you pulled it off." He then smirks, "Not a single scratch. Though your team seems to be knocked out, but they'll recover."

"Um...thanks," I say. Nick walks past me, but not before saying one last statement that made me drop to my knees, "But you'll still need more training, including your team."

I groan, but then realize something, "Oh, right! Gotta hang out with Harry and MJ." I get up to leave, but then Ava and Sam come, shocking me quite a bit.

"You guys...I thought you are recovering?"

"We were." Ava corrected.

"But, we heard you were going somewhere with your friends, mind if we join?" Sam asked.

I looked hopeful, "Yeah, sure! We're going to some fancy restaurant with a new girl Harry has been seeing." I  said, then I turned to Sam, "Also, Sam, why the occasion?" I teased, "Having a crush on MJ?"

"Stop it!" Sam panicked, looking embarrassed.

He then looks at me as I give an unamused look, "Fine, yes, you happy? J-just don't tell anyone."

Ava and  I smirked, then all three of us got ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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