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A year had passed.

Today I would finally pick you up from rehab.

My heart was beating like crazy.

I would finally see you after so long.

I went inside and waited for you, my legs bouncing up and down from excitement, but also from being nervous.

And then there you stood.

You had put on a little bit of weight, it looked good on you.

Your hair had gotten longer and your eyes had gotten clearer. So blue.

Our eyes locked and smile broke out on your face, it lit up the whole room.

My heart skipped a beat.

I ran towards you and jumped into your arms, you stumbled back a bit.

I wrapped my arms around you tightly, I'd never let you go after this.

"I missed you." you mumbled into my ear, your voice muffled.

"I missed you too." I cried softly and held your face between my hands. I showered your face with kisses.

You looked me straight into my eyes and told me, "We are okay, Max. We are okay."

And in that moment, Hades, we were more than okay.

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