SetoSolace OneShot Entry

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( ps. Mind my British language... I don't do American that's why)

Brice's POV

Ugh.... Secondary sucks. I may be the best artist, but that's all. Then I remember. A new boy. I think his full name is Seto Sorcerer. I can't remember off the top of my head. Talking. Shouting. The smell of violence. I run to where I could smell it.

"What up Shrimpy Seto?" Maddison mocked Seto.

"Maddie... LEAVE SETO ALONE!" I screamed at the top of my breath and lungs. My voice rippled through the school walls. Maddison shrugged and walked away. I held Seto's hand, already feeling a connection. "You okay buddy?" I asked shaking. Seto looked at me. A black eye. Scribblings on his face.

"N-Not Really B-Brice." He stuttered. He was weak I knew it.

I ran to the nurse's office. I said I'd stay with him, so I did. Thou why did they do that to him?! He's only been here for a mere 10-20 minutes.. Seto looked up at me with hope. Then the unspeakable happened. He kissed my cheek then both of us blushing hard. I kissed his forehead. That was the connection. We were in love.

Seto's POV

It was true. The prophecy was foretold. We were the two men. Must it be?! The sorcerer and artist. It was true.

**Present day*

Brice's POV

"And that's how we're in love! The end" I say ending this fanfic with Seto.

Crystal'a POV

"BUT WAIT! There is a lil more. The two guys had met with Kim and Duncan a few years ago. We were in that same Secondary... But they never knew... Then I came in the picture. Smiley. Happy. But still we all went to that secondary.

Seto's POV

I rock Cece while cradle her softly. Damn you Kim. Duncan.

All's. POV


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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