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*A few years ago*

"Mommy?" I called. "Daddy?" I called, "Where did y'all go?" I was so scared I had no idea where my parents went, until I saw my mom standing there staring outside. I went up to her trying to get her attention but she didn't answer she just stood there.

Suddenly she started banging her head against the glass. I screamed and started crying I grabbed her trying to get her to stop but she wouldn't. She kept going until she eventually broke enough glass to where she fell out of the window. I screamed and cried even more. Then I remembered about daddy. I ran into his bedroom to see that he had hung himself. I cried even more.

I had no idea why or what was happening but it was and I couldn't stop it. I had to run away. So I did. I ran and ran until I found a random house. I went in and saw a boy. He was about the same age as me. He was crying too.

I went up to him and asked why he was crying. "Hey, why are you crying" I said. He looked up at me and pointed to the corner of the room. His entire family had hung themselves. I sat next to the boy and tried to comfort him. I even told him that my family did the same thing. "My name is Nicole. Nicole Johnson and you are-?"

"Corbyn. Corbyn Besson"


Yep. That's how I met Corbyn Besson. Him and I bonded that day and we became really good friends. We were both 6 at that time and now we are both 19 years old. I even met some of his friends that he had on that day. Jack Avery, Daniel Seavey, Jonah Marais, and Zach Herron. They're all pretty nice. We are fighting this battle against an unknown presence that basically drove most of our society to suicide.

We are the only survivors so far. We are in this house in the middle of Fairfax Virginia and we can't go outside without a blindfold. It's gonna be pretty tough trying to find land that doesn't have this issue but I know we can do it. Well wish us luck!!

{ Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this book! Also if you were wondering, at the beginning I made it to where if people were 11 or younger, the thing can't lead you to suicide. Only if you're 12 or older. Am I making sense? No? Ok. Enjoy!!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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