A new home

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I was finally moving out of my parents' swamp. I had just graduated from university with a degree in mechanical engineering. I was ready to branch off and write my own story! I was moving to Arkham city, because it was the cheapest urban area I could find. I was packing my bags when my mother walked in, tears streaming down her face.
"I'm so proud of you, son"
She said as I finished up.
"Thanks mum" I replied
She embraced me with a tight grip.
I embraced her back, not wanting to let go.

She was a good mum, raised me alone, my dad left when I was just a wee baby
. Selfish bastard...

After I had said goodbye, I waved to her as a hailed a taxi and clambered it.

"Ello' , guvnar!" The driver said, "where to?"

"To Arkham city! And never look back!This is a new beginning! My life begins NOW!!"

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