chapter 13

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We've finally arrived to the peaceful spot in the woods where we had our first date just the day before. Even though it feels like lifetimes ago. We situate ourselves onto the rough itchy grass because since today's visit was unplanned. I look over to John and I decide then that I would do anything for this boy, I really would.

"So, how was your day?" John asks sparking up a conversation. I look at him and I feel frustrated. I can't tell him about Greg even though he deserves to know. But I must protect him, if I told him Greg might go after him or if John approaches Greg it may get even worse and I can't risk either.

Casually I rearrange my sitting position and make sure I don't do any of the lying signs before speaking up. I look him in the eye bore I speak, wandering eyes is a surefire sign of a liar, plus I love john's eyes. "Boring, you know the usual," I say with a sigh. "How about you?" I ask him.

Johns eyes light up at the question, obviously exited that I am taking interest in his life. I wonder why though, it really is the other way around. "Well today in..." John starts talking and doesn't stop, but I don't mind one bit. Normally Id yell at them to shut up, but I love to hear john speak every syllable and every word. His words are important to me unlike any others; his story's top all novels and it is my pleasure to here him talk about some dumb kid in class that day.

"... So then the kid got up knowing what he did was wrong and walked himself to the principles office without being told to, gym clothes and everything!" he finishes the story slightly laughing and I give him a slight chuckle to ensure him I was paying attention to his story about the boy who hit his taunter on the head with a tennis racket.

"Wow interesting story" I tell him with a smile, really I did not find it interesting but John thought it was and that's enough to get me to agree. During the story john has laid down on the grass but I still remained on my knees and I ponder whether I should lay down with him or not.

Obviously seeing my indecisiveness John speaks up. "You want to lay with me?" he asks and I nod way too eagerly. John lets out I light and soft chuckle and pulls me down having my head rest against his chest. I nuzzle my head into his chest enjoying the warmth of his body and listening to his not so steady heart beat. I breathe in deeply inhaling his intoxicating sent.

I feel his rough but gentle fingers slide into my dark curls and start to make traces in my hair. I never expected something so simple as laying down with a boy to be so pleasurable, but then again, I never expected to be with anyone ever. "So, any cases you're working on right now?" John asks making conversation that he knows I'll enjoy, I smile at his effort.

"Actually yes, there's been a couple of supposedly suicides that are linked, but they are obviously murders." I tell him and my mind thinks back to the previous victims trying to connect the dots.

"How do you know they aren't just suicides?" John questions me. I'm actually quite exited that were talking about something that I feel passionate about. I'm surprised he's even talking interest in me so it surprises yet pleases me that he's talking interest in my interests (although if I'm being honest the world would be a lot less annoying if everyone took interest in me and my interests)

"Well they all had good lives and no reason to, they were all in places they had no reason to be in and they all took the same pill." I explain, I can feel john slightly nod with my head on his chest.

"Sounds interesting" He says, I turn my head up so I can look him in his eyes.

"Yeah it is isn't it?" I state with a smirk growing on my face, of course its interesting, I'm just glad someone is inelegant to realize it besides me.

John shakes his head "don't get all cocky on me now Holms" He scolds me and I resolve to turn down my egotistical behavior for him and decide to save it for the less intelligent.

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