becomes a family affair

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The routine was going swimmingly, until one day I went to pick Emily up from school and saw her kissing a boy. She got in the car upset at being caught, and I scolded her. What upset my wife and I most though is that she didn't tell the boy to go away straight away and she had confessed to actually enjoying the experience.

We booked an appointment for that night and both my wife and I went with her to see the doctor. She told Dr Ray about the event. Ray talked her through it and settled me and my wife down. He suggested that if the current amount of fluid was not working, there was another option to increase the strength. He said that was through insertion into her anus.

He paused as we were all stunned. It would not only allow more fluid to be injected at insertions, but would increase the strength of each one. The entire goal of reducing sexual desire would be achieved in less time, meaning less money spent on coming to insertions in the long term. I was unsure, but my wife seemed to think it was the only option. Perhaps driven to repel further events like the one I witnessed in the afternoon, I agreed that it was best for Emily in the long run, so we agreed.

Dr Ray said he could give the secondary insertion a trial run that night, firstly inserting in the vagina before the additional deployment in the anus, and Emily said she thought she needed it. So my wife and I waited out in the waiting room. As it was quite late, we only saw two men come in to receive their fluid refills. 50 minutes later, our daughter emerged, walking a bit funny again, but all with a smile on her face. She looked so small next to the big doctor, who was wearing jeans and a t-shirt because it was so late. I noticed him looking at my wife a few times as we exited the clinic. Emily seemed to be very happy with the secondary insertion method, so we went ahead with a new regime of both primary and secondary insertions occurring each time. Also, we agreed to add another home insertion during the week.

The next time the home insertion came, we were surprised to find two bulky men at the door. It made sense though, as they were each only trained at primary or secondary insertions. My wife warmly invited them into our house and I showed them both into Emma's room where she sat on her bed doing her homework, "darling, put your books away, these kind men have come to give you your insertion this late at night. Where are your manners?" With that I left them, closing the door behind me as my daughter cleared her bed. This insertion was the first of many that lasted quite late into the night, and it soon became routine for me to pay the two men on arrival and be in bed asleep before they had finished.

All visits to and from "Daddy's Little Girl" took longer than before, and as Emily became more comfortable with the treatment, I no longer needed to stay. I dropped her off, watched her walk in her skimpy clothes past the men in the waiting room and into the insertion room, and came back to pick her up usually three hours later. Also worth taking note of was the increase in the price as we now paid for double the fluid.

A couple of weeks later, Emily came up to her exam period at school, and decided insertions were taking too much time out of her week for study. We consulted Dr Ray about the issue, and he again had a solution. They could deploy the fluid into her vagina and anal cavity at the same time. While this would take away from the time, it would mean a little more discomfort for Emsie. My little girl looked so brave when she said she would do it. And from then on, she was able to study, and simultaneous primary and secondary insertions became standard.

Meanwhile at school, Emily had informed Mr Lee of her new methods of intake, and the following day, Mr Lee had one of the boys from the basketball team (Mr Lee was the coach) help him as an untrained practitioner. Emily found that each time Mr Lee was to give his free-of-charge insertions, a new member of the basketball team was there to help. Also changing were the destination of the insertion, sometimes in the boys locker-room, in the classroom, and often obscure places around the school. But Emily received her two fluid deployments simultaneously, so was happy to keep her mouth shut.

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