Cosmo (Klance)

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The two boys had stumbled into the side of the blue lion, Keith being pressed against the side with Lance hovering right in front of him. The older boy slips danced down the younger ones neck in hopes of finding a sweet spot. From doing this so many times, his lips went almost imedately down to his collar bones. Keith was out of it. Tired from missions and fighting. He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, mindless moans slipping out of the corner of his mouth as his and the lanky ones lips melded together.

But he felt himself go too far when the name, a name which didn't belong to the boy what was pressing him down, slipped out.

"C-Cosmo..." Keith said lightly, his eyes immedately expanding with fear as for what he just said. Lance stepped back, in shock and anger.

"Keith what the fuck? What? I'm just-" He said, confused yet somehow laced with jealousy.

"Your dog? Really?" He said as Keith stood silently, his eyes open wide,  feeling the same emotions towards himself as Lance felt. Sometimes he let Cosmo lick the water off his balls after he got out of the shower, but he promised himself this would never happen.

As Lance stormed out of the room, Keith sank to the ground, hot tears threatening to spill  from his dark violet eyes.

"And by the way, stay away from blue. And this isn't happening again."

Keith scrambled to his feet and walked to his room, his head hanging low. He just had to go and fuck a space wolf didn't he.

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