Part 5

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c/ hello everyone im-

j/ may i?

c/ huh?

::steps up::

j/ hi everyone just for your information this is crystal and eevee they run this place i rosie and olivia are now off to do climbing and no we don't need the map

c/ what the...

e/ i dont even know

::drops mic::

j/ cmon rosie and liv follow me

r/ what the bloody hell?

::at the wall thing::

j/ hello galaxy i'm gonna climb this now and hit the bell i mean that's what your here for isn't it?

g/ .....

j/ meh fuck it ::throws rock and hits bell::


j/ good enough

r/ jay what the fuck?

j/ i've already lived today...twice

r/ really?

j/ yep i need a gun or something..gonna die tonight again

r/ want us to protect you?

j/ do what you want idrc

--part 2---

j/ right then everyone stay alert we have no idea were this idiot comes from

::rosie screams::

j/ rosie? ::turns::

::olivia screams::

j/ olivia?

::sees figure::

j/ ::throws rock at them::

::hits face and mask falls off::

j/ that....



::wakes up::

j/ right try 2 lets get going...actually fuck it im going insane today

::smashes through window::

r/ jay?

j/ ::screams:: COME AT ME YOU FUCKWIT!

::mystery figure comes out of nowhere::

??/ you called?

j/ thought it was you....ryan

??/ the one and only..but the mystery not solved yet...

j/ what ya saying?

r/ you forgot to read the letter


j/ huh

Just a reminder to kill me to solve the mystery. also self destruction

j/ wait what?


--part 3---

j/ third try...6 lives left

r/ what you on about?

j/ meh you will find out later..if i don't die

::walks off::

r/ hey liv

o/ yep?

r/ i think jays went insane

o/ yep same here

::in the cafe::

c/ hello everyone i am-

::ryan smashes through window wielding 2 mp5s::

r/ HELLO ::shoots jay::

--part 4---

j/ ughhhhh i really can't be bothered right now

r/ you okay?

j/ death..death..death........i gotta not die

o/ i feel like dying right now

j/ why's that

o/ the toilets clogged

j/ god's sake ::opens door::

r/ hello ::stabs::

j/ god's sake

::a few deaths later (this is getting repetitive isn't it)::

j/ last life

o/ what now jay

j/ i only have one chance...better make it work

::walks out::

j/ maximum effort

::ryan spots him::

j/ ::picks up brick and hides it::

r/ last life bud what you gonna do

j/ this ::whacks over the head with brick::


r/ oh did it all right..well done..


j/ i..i did it?!

::letter appears::

j/ whats this then?

Reads: you did it right well done you solved the mystery of camp shinipi...well done jay, well done. Your reward? Nothing HAHA! Meh enjoy your stay..

j/ finally...its over i think

--the end---

Note: i realise this was something really different but it was just a idea i thought of..hope you enjoyed this anyway

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