Chapter Three

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Bailey's pov

Now we all sat around a fire. Scott on my right and Ronnie on my left. Who held a firm grip on my thigh. I knew the moment we got away from everyone he would hurt me he always does. I figured why not have it happen sooner rather then later. I quietly got up and started walking away. When Lori spoke up.

"Bailey where you going?"

"For a walk just need to get my mind off things." I responded tiredly.

"Bring a gun. Don't need you getting taken down." Shane assured. I just flashed him my long bow as I walked by. I wondered down to the Corey where I planted my butt on the sand and pulled out a cigarette. I took a long drag as I waited for the footsteps to come to a stop.

"You're such a dumb ass you know that right?" Ronnie asked, smacking me a crossed the back of the head.

"Well I learn from the best. Isn't that right Honey?" I questioned my voice seething with sarcasm.

"You're such a dumb bitch." He mumbled before punching me in the gut. I duffled over in pain as he shoved me into the water. Knocking the breath out of me. I struggled to breath as Ronnie stepped on my back pushing me further under. I clawed at his leg until he let me up.

"You do what I say when I say it you got that slut?" He spat before kicking my in the stomach and storming off. I groaned in pain as I tried to get up. I successfully made it back to my truck. Where I tossed on a tank top and a pair of shorts. I then tended to my wounds before crawling into my bed in the bed of the truck. Then drifting off into a restless sleep.

I shot up as screams rang threw the camp. I grabbed my bow and quiver before taking off toward the sound. I watched as Carl and Sophia raced toward me. I ran past them and into some bushes where I found a walker. Feasting on a dear that had bolts from a crossbow sticking out of it. As I took aim the men broke into the clearing and shoved me aside so they could do the "Dirty work". I laughed as they did everything but take out the head. That's when Dale brought the ax down decapitating the walker. Everyone stopped as the bushes started to move. I raised my bow and took aim. As Daryl came stalking out of the bushes with his crossbow. Everyone groaned lowering there weapons.

"Son of a bitch. That's my dear. Look at it all gnawed on by this filthy, disease bearin', motherless proxy bastard." Dixon spat while kicking the walker. Dale tried to get him to calm down but he just snapped on him.

"Been tracking this dear for miles, was gonna drag it back to camp. Cook us up some food. What do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" He asked looking up for an answer. His eyes locked with mine as Shane spoke up.

"We cant risk that."

"That's a damn shame. Well I got some squirrel about a dozen or so. That'll have to do." He muttered just as the walker head started moving. I brought my aim to the walker as Daryl spoke up.

"Come on people what the hell? Its gotta be the brain." He cursed, raising his crossbow. Before he could shoot I sent an arrow threw the walkers eye socket. Daryl just grunted and started toward camp.

I just wondered back to my truck. I hopped in and got changed. When I got out I noticed everyone was staring at Daryl. They must have told him about Merle. I quickly walked over to him.

"What the hell happened?!" He growled. His voice seething with anger.

"I ordered Merle to watch my back. While I tried to get Scott. We got stuck down in the alley. Merle kept his word. He was trying real hard to get the walkers off our backs. But apparently he was causing the walkers to herd the store. But from what I hear. He was yelling at everyone because they took his gun. So they hand cuffed him to the roof. Then T-dog dropped the key down a drain. Daryl I'm so sorry. He was trying to help me get out. I didn't know they were going to do that!" I explained. As anger bypassed his face. Sadness and worry took its place.

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