3. ahh he smokes too?

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the next day

as early as 10am the next day, jooheon got a notification on his phone. ahh really so early?

what did i do to deserve this? tuition at 10??

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what did i do to deserve this? tuition at 10??

joojoo: damn boy, having tuition this early?

daniel: well ya cos apparently my english and science sux

daniel: anyways why are you up so early?

joojoo: up early? nah i pulled an all nighter because i was hanging out with my best friend

daniel: 0w0 arent you tired tho, like we have school tomorrow~

jooheon went quiet, shit did i scare him away?

joojoo sent you a snap!

joojoo sent you a snap!

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ahh he smokes too?

wow i miss my cigarette,, :(

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wow i miss my cigarette,, :(

joojoo: oh i didnt know you smoke?

daniel: well i dont see why people think that when they post pics of them smoking, they'll look cool lol 

joojoo: why do u smoke tho?

daniel: things can get really stressful in my life

daniel: lol i remembered that jimin broke up with you just because you lied about "quitting smoking"

joojoo: lol at him for thinking that i'll actually quit smoking for him

for a moment, changkyun wanted to say a joke but he didnt know how the other would react. so he gathered his courage and decided to just say that joke

daniel: anyways why would you smoke when you're already smoking hot

joojoo: aww u're so flirty

i guess its not that bad right?

daniel: noo... u're the flirty one here

joojoo: yah u're so adorable 

daniel: aww


what is with my short chapters and no motivation? geez my bad! also those words in bold under the pix are meant as the caption of the snapchat pix but i suck at editing so HEHE dont mind me ,, 

anyways sorry if yall arent comfortable with this smoking thing, i just had to bcus the character that i name as jooheon is quite a heavy smoker so~~ sorryyy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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