hunting the beast a short story

31 1 4

Ma 15 +  haha   may contain foul language and horror themes

It was getting late the huge of rusted yellows and browns fading with the orange crusted clouds casting eerie shadows along the foliage on the forest floor. The trees shadows looking almost like hands reaching for one another; sometimes in the shadows you would see figures of beasts stalking you. once the night sky covers over head and the light takes on an almost blue haze I know that its night and no one would come out this far; but I had to. I couldn’t just stand around with my hands in my pockets I had to help out. Stepping over a log that had fallen due to white ants eating it I slipped as I had stood on a slim covered rock; catching my self I shook my head.

“Don’t freak out over a little slip” I thought aloud to myself .

   Taking slower steps as to not make to much noise I continued forward through the darkened forest; my boots crunching fallen leafs and twigs into the muddy ground. Scanning around for any clues I mumble to myself.

“come on where are you the rangers said this would be the area” Bumps started raising on my arm I didn’t know if it was due to the chill in the air of the fact that I was out at night, in a forest, by myself.

With only my uncles 22 revolver for back up, trying to catch or kill the animal that has been mauling local live stock. Pulling my hooded jacked up over my head i zipped the zipper half way up; resting my hand on the lump in my right pant leg pocket nodding to myself. I hadn’t dropped the gun; I heard a scatter of leaves about 100 meters to my left I froze instantly. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea but then again it had started killing my families piglets and eating our vegetables, hearing the same sound behind me I whipped my head around and squinted, my chest started to tighten and my breathing became deep. The night was getting darker by the second; the sky no longer blue but black as stars were shinning, a half moon peeked though the treetops casting rays of light to the ground.

“Wasn’t tonight meant to be a full moon it should be brighter, “ I thought to myself.

            The sounds of the night dimming, as all I could hear was the undeniable fact that what ever it was, it was circling me. I heard it again only fiftyyards away this time back to my right, I took the revolver out of my pocket slowly and checked the barrel; I had three bullets in it. I closed the barrel and held it up ready to shoot, I squinted turning my head to the left a fraction. my eyes seeing the figure's dark shadow ;taller then that of a deer.

“Stop beast or I will shoot,” I yelled to it.

“Aah wait no don’t shoot in out here hunting it as well I thought you were it ya move to quietly ya’ know” a male voice called back stepping into the moon light.

“For heavens sake Jessie I could of shot ya” I exclaimed lowering the gun.

“Well damn good thing you didn’t that would of hurt a fair bit I reckon “ he smiled.

       I raised the gun once more “ Jessie do not move one inch or I will hit you with this, iv only got three shots”.

Holding his hands up in surrender “Whoa what the; why would; oh gosh its behind me aint it? Oh god please don’t miss” Jessie scrunched his face up and I cold see his eyes watering. i could almost hear his heart beat, I could feel his fear and if I could then this massive beast all but fifty yards away could as well.

 I tightened my grip straightened my stance and kept both eyes trained on it ready for the opportune moment.  just as it lowered its front and raised its hind ready to pounce and attack right as its front paws left the ground I had a clear shot of its underside; I pumped two bullets into its chest. a loud yelp was heard then a thud as it slid along the forest floor.

“What’s a snow leopard doing so close to the town” Jessie crouched down then poked it with a stick testing its state.

”Well Faith your name suits you to the tee you got it right in the heart, you can shoot around me anyway because" he paused for effect " I totally had faith in ya” he grinned at his little joke. he stood up tossing the stick aside only for us to hear it hit something solid but not a tree

“Hey Jessie the Richard’s and the chin’s farms both got attacked at the same time didn’t they?. well I think snow leopard travel in pairs and I also think” he cut me off

“Crap we shot its mate he looks angry quick get him faith” he crept back slowly away from the fallen animal as the male snow leopard stalked slowly from the darkness streams of light reflecting in his eyes,

“Jessie I put the gun down wen we were checking if that one was dead, its right next to it” I hesitantly placed my hand on his shoulder. “Get ready to run if this doesn’t work. I lunged for the revolver the same time it pushed off from the ground; tumbling forward in a summersault I gripped hold of the gun just as I stopped. Landing on my back as it roared mid air. Closing my eyes in fear I raised the gun forward and shot twice at shots echoing into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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