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Lisztomania- A need to listen to music all the time

Athazagroaphobia- The fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced :(

Kakorrhiophobia- Fear of failure

Hikikomari- A teenager or young adult who has withdrawn from social life to spend more time on social networking sites

Eleutheromania- An intense desire for freedom

Clinomania- Excessive desire to stay in bed

Euneirophrenia- That peace of mind that comes from a pleasent dream

Querencia- A place where someone feels at home

Tsundoku- Buying books, and letting them pile up, but never reading them

Petrichor- The smell of rain on dry earth

Solivagant- Wandering alone

Nyctophilia- Love of the darkness or night

Nyctophobia- Fear of the darkness

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