1 One-Shot; Why Even Ask?

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Kirishima: First chapter, fully edited! Enjoy!

Bakugou: *Shouts from the other room* Your still a wimp!

Author-chan: Who's still talking?

Don't copy or base off of without asking!


It's been two years. Two years since All Might retired, and two years since Deku disappeared.

"Damn it." I whispered, smashing my fist into the wall. They'd called off the search parties yesterday, and I was pissed. Inko was shattered and rarely ate, All Might was always worrying about his poor student, and there was a grim atmosphere everywhere. Everyone felt like utter shit. A few people assumed he was dead, and tried to push on, but I knew that nerd, and he wouldn't die that easily. He just... wouldn't. Or would he?

I growled in frustration and laid my head against the battered wall. I had been smashing it all night, and my knuckles bled relentlessly. It was just so... frustrating.

I stood for a while, recalling old memories long forgotten, some painful, some good, and some sad. I felt a single tear slip out of my eye and I froze. I swiped at the miniscule drop, staring at it with utter confusion. Was I... crying? But why? Deku is just a good punching bag. He's an object to surpass, not a friend. And why was I assuming I was crying over that damn nerd? Maybe it was because of the lack of food. I hadn't eaten in a while. A few days, maybe? Yeah, that must be why I feel so down. I need food.

I nodded to myself, pushing away from the wall to go downstairs and grab something to eat.

School had been canceled for class 1-A in the beginning, but it started back up after a few weeks. We had to catch up to the other students in the hero course, but nobody was really up to it. Everyone had deep bags under their eyes when they came into school the first day, Uraraka being the worst of them all. She looked like she'd been crying for several days straight and you'd catch her sniffling in class sometimes.

Her and Deku had been pretty close. I think she even liked him. I could only wonder what she saw in him. Even Mr. Aizawa looked a little more tired than usual.

Since then, things have improved slightly, but everyone still looks totally defeated. I'm fine, of course. I mean, why should that idiot matter to me? I almost felt bad though, about my last words to him before he disappeared. "You're not my friend. Your just a damn kid who can be thrown around. At this rate, you'll never surpass me."

My words rang in me head as I grabbed a piece of cake and a fork, stabbing it roughly and eating it while I headed to the shelf to find some All Might O's. I frowned when I noticed we were out, so I finished my cake, got on some kinda-decent clothes, and grabbed my wallet, heading for the door.

Criminal activity kept increasing, especially since a year ago, when the league of villains got a new member that put everyone else to shame. He's only been spotted once by a very lucky survivor, who described him as a suited masked figure wearing gloves and a nice dress shirt. She said she couldn't see his face or any real detail, but she knew it was him. He's called the Shadow Child, since the woman described him as younger looking and is never seen.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, entering the convenience store down the street from my house. I grabbed the cereal and some orange juice, since we're also out of that. I headed to the counter in time to see a Todoroki buying some ice cream and some extra spicy takitos. The irony was all I could see as he held the takitos in his left hand and his ice cream in his right.

"Hey, half and half!" He turned to me, the apparent bags under his eyes making him seem a few ages older.

"Any news? Not that I care." Why was I even asking?

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