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The next couple of days were interesting to say the least. We would go over to Forrest's house to study but we would end up making out on his bed with textbooks and papers everywhere.

Unfortunately my phone decided to ring in the middle of our fun and I had to climb off of him to answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Emma!" A voice shouts on the other side.

I look at the caller ID to see who it was since I didn't look when I answered, "hey Sarah, what's up?"

I could feel Forrest come up behind me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and begins to kiss my neck making my breathing begin to get heavier.

"Do you want to have a sleep over tonight and watch some movies?" She asks.

"Sure! I'm currently studying with Forrest," I tried to hard to keep a steady voice, "come over at like 7?"

"Sounds good, bye!"

She hangs up and I put my phone down before turning and looking at Forrest with an evil eye. "What are you doing?"

He shrugs and smiles, "nothing."

I hit his chest, "you're lucky that wasn't either of my parents." I then decide to walk into his bathroom and he says, "where are you going?"

"To see if you left any marks on my neck, you dick." I yell.

He laughs, "your ass looks amazing from here."

I roll my eyes and continue to look at my neck and he hadn't done too much damage.

I walked back in to the room and started gathering my belongings so I could head home. He frowned, "where are you going?"

"Home. Sarah's coming over," I tell him.

He groans, "no stay here."

I laugh and throw his shirt at him, "no I haven't had a sleep over with her in forever. We are gonna catch up and gossip."

"About me?" He asks.

I shrug, "if you're lucky."

"You know, tutor, I don't think I understand this story very clearly, I think you need to stay a little longer," he tells me, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him.

His fingers slide under my shirt and the feeling of his fingers on my bare skin made me shiver. I hit his hands lightly and backed away, "I can't! We can hang out tomorrow okay?"

He groans, "tomorrow is too far away. When can we have a sleepover?"

"Whenever you want," I paused, "Just not tonight."

He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow, "fine tomorrow, spend the night here."

I nod and kiss him on the cheek before putting on my backpack, "I will."

I left the room and left his house and walked down the street to my house. I greet my parents and tell them sarah is coming over before heading upstairs to take a quick shower.

Once I'm out of the shower I hear a noise coming from my phone letting me know I had a new notification. I opened it and it said,

I miss you.


I reply back,

I haven't even been home ten minutes Forrest. :)

I put my phone down and begin to get dressed.

It's been ten minutes too long.

I roll my eyes and type back a quick response before heading downstairs because sarah would be getting here any minute.

My parents come into the living room and they are all dressed up. "Your dad is taking me out to dinner tonight. We will be back later." She kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

When Sarah arrives we order a pizza and get into some pajamas and watch a movie.

My brother comes down a little later looking pretty nice I would say. I am assuming he is going to a party.

"Are you going to Claire's party?" I ask him.

He nods, "How'd y'all know about that?"

I roll my eyes, "We go to the same school, dumbass." He acts like I am so much younger than him. We are literally only a year apart, Colton!

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Wanna say that again?" Here's the thing about my brother. He is insanely cocky. Well, in front of me and his friends. But in front of his crush ivy? Oh no, no. He acts like a little lost puppy dog who just got abandoned.

So I said, "So I heard Ivy is a single lady now. Tough blow." Ha. That should knock him down a peg. Talking about the guys that ivy had dated in the past really hurts him, so what's the harm?

He sighs, "Yeah, she's pretty upset and wanted to come to the party to get her mind off of it."

"You should kiss her tonight. Blame it on the alcohol." I knew my brother didn't drink very much during the football season. I rarely drink, well mostly because my brother would probably kill me, and two, I think most alcohol tastes disgusting. Beer? Gross! Vodka? Too strong.

He laughs, "I wish. I'd rather do it sober so I can remember it clearly."

"You do you, brother." I tell him. The door bell rings. I assume it's ivy because he runs around the corner to answer it.

Before he leaves Sarah screams, "tell my brother I said hi!" Sarah's brother was my brother's best friend. That's how we know each other. We've been friends since we were in the womb basically.

My mind drifts off to Forrest. I wonder what he's doing right now.

I pull out my phone and text him,


He almost immediately responds,

Hey. Dying of boredom thanks to you.

Come over and hang with Sarah and I?

I smile as I read his next text,

No you have your girl time. Probably gonna play xbox or somethin.

See you tomorrow;)

I lock my phone and look up and Sarah is curiously looking at me.

"Why are you smiling so much?" She asks me.

I try to hide my smile but it's too late. She knows something is up. "Okay, so you know that guy I'm tutoring?"


I nod, "well...we kind of have a thing."

She raises an eyebrow, "what do you mean a thing?"

I feel my face start to get red of embarrassment. "Well every time I'm over, we kind of make out and do some...stuff... but I have feelings for him and I think he has them for me too."

She gaps, "holy fuck! Dude that's cool!"

I smile, "thanks I guess."

"He's so hot too!" She says and I almost feel a pang of jealousy. He was hot. I wonder how many other girls he could be talking to right now.

Was there another girl? I had never thought about it. It was just him and I basically. The tutor who he fucks around with and him, the insanely hot athlete.

I shook off the feeling. Maybe I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

You know. If he's that hot. I wonder if he's at the party. I mean most athletes go to parties. They are popular people. But the parties are for mostly seniors and we are only juniors.

What if?

What if I'm about to completely get screwed over by another guy?

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