Chapter Four

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dBrowyn has signed on

sassygrl has signed on

redvinelver has signed on

creampuff177 has signed on

flyinaround has signed on

flyinaround: Guys, we have a problem.

sassygrl: Writing a musical is really hard.

creampuff177: Yeah. We only have one song, and I can't think of any dances to it.

sassygrl: I can't think of any lines.

redvinelver: We'll have to do something else. Anyone got any ideas?

dBrowyn: No homeade musical? Oh well. What about Willy Wonka?

flyinaround: Eh...It just doesn't fit.

sassygrl: Yeah, we need something that fits perfectly.

creampuff177: I saw something at the stage downtown that looked cool.

redvinelver: We probably couldn't use it. They wrote it themselves.

sassygrl: Oh, good point.

flyinaround: What about Peter Pan?

sassygrl: Ohmigosh YES!

creampuff177: It fits perfectly!

redvinelver: Do you think we'd be able to do it?

dBrowyn: I'm not sure about how much the flying would cost, but I think we could do it.  I'll order a script to see.

sassygrl: Yes! And just in time, too. School starts in a week.

creampuff177: Oh, have to go. Me and Shannon are going shopping for school supplies.

sassygrl: Yeah, let's go. Adios everyone!

sassygrl has signed off

creampuff177 has signed off

flyinaround: I have to go too.

redvinelver: Yeah, me too. Bye!

flyinaround: Bye!

dBrowyn: Bye kids!

redvinelver has signed off

flyinaround has signed off

dBrowyn has signed off

Blocking and Choreography: What Happens Before the AuditionWhere stories live. Discover now