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"my friend went
there yesterday and
he said it was fun
so i wanted to go too"

Seungmin said,
being replied by a
nod from the latter.

The two were
sitting in the bus with
Kkami on Hyunjins lap.
They were waiting
for their stop to arrive

suddenly, Hyunjin
remembered something
from the day before

"your friend from

"ooohh, that's Chan,
my roommAte"

Seungmin said before
Hyunjin could continue.
He breathed a sigh
of relief knowing that
Seungmin was single

A smile crept on
his face itself


As the trio reached
the fair, they had to
stand in a line for the
entry since the crowd
was large. Kkami
seemed to be getting
impatient about something
and barked at Hyunjin

"alright Kkami. We
need to wait a bit"

Hyunjin said, not
paying much heed
to the little dog.
Seungmin bent down
and ran his hand through
Kkamis soft hair

"can Kkami smell
good food?"

He asked being
replied with a bark
and a wag of the tail.
Seungmin smiled,
petting Kkami a bit
more then getting up
and leaning on Hyunjin.
Hyunjin stiffened
in his position

He loved the
effect the red haired
boy had on him

As the line slowly
moved on all three
of them were inside.
Seungmin and Hyunjin
stared in awe at what
all there was to do
while Kkami was
going crazy about
the various fragrances of
the food stalls present there

On one side was
the game stalls and
on another was the
food stalls and straight
ahead were some
rides and a ferris wheel

"can we go for
the game stalls?"

Seungmin asked
but didn't wait for
an answer and pulled
Hyunjin by his hand,
who was pulling on kkami

They stopped in front
of a shooting game
and waited for their turns

"₩150 for three turns!"

The person at
the stall yelled.
Seungmin excitedly
turned to Hyunjin
and jumped around

"i don't want to
do it so you can
go ahead"

Hyunjin said which
made Seungmin pout
But nonetheless he
paid for himself and
grabbed a gun which
seemed to resemble
an AK47

He aimed for
the bullseye, and
shutting out all
his surroundings,
he concentrated
on his target and

The gun shook in his
hands as the shot
went nowhere near
the target. Seungmin
lowkey wanted to
point the gun at
himself and SHOOT.

"C'mon, it's okay you've
got two more tries"

Hyunjin said, who
was standing behind

Seungmin took a
deep breath and
aimed his gun again.
He gripped the gun
tighter this time in
order to avoid previous

This time he got
seven points.
'not bad' he thought

"You have one
more try. You'll
get a prize if you
hit bullseye"

The person at
the stall said.
Seungmin nodded,
aiming his gun again

He suddenly felt a
hand on his waist and
Hyunjins chin on
his shoulder. Hyunjins
other hand held
the gun up with
Seungmins hand.

Seungmins heart
skipped a beat at
how sudden it was
But tried to look as
concentrated as

"shoot now"

He said in his ear
and Seungmin did as
he was told. Right
after that, the other
people surrounding
the stall started clapping.


The person yelled
and went to pick
out a prize. They
came back with a
small plushie of a
white poodle. Seungmins
eyes lit up as
Hyunjin took it and
handed it to him

"this is sO

Seungmin said,
giving Hyunjin a hug.
Hyunjin blushed
and smiled

"I'm hungry now,
can we get something
to eat?"

Seungmin said,
pulling away. It took
a few seconds for
Hyunjin to get over what
just happened

"Of course"

Hyunjin replied
smiling. Kkami had
already been trying
to pull him to the
food stalls and now
Seungmin was pulling
him too. He didn't mind
it as long as he made
him smile

"there's so much,
I can't decide. What
do you want?"

Seungmin asked,
scanning all the stalls,
unable to decide from
the variety there was

"anything you

Hyunjin replied


Authors Note

I had a math test which actually went kinda well im shook

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