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(jhope's pov)
I woke up with my head hurting. I opened my eyes and saw y/n. She was still asleep. I tried my best to get off the bed without waking her up. I wonder what happened last night. Oh no. I was drinking. I tend to get very... excited. If she was on the bed then maybe we...no no no that couldn't have happened. Besides, she's fully clothed. I looked back to her. She's so pretty. She resembles... an angel. Aish, i can't be thinking about her like that. It's probably just because of the whole crystal incident.

Why am i getting so many feelings? Some days ago i was questioning emotions but now i feel them. People are so complicated...in so many ways.

Y/n woke up. " Hey hobi, how are you feeling?" "Just a little headache. Did anything happen  when i was drunk last night?" "Ah nothing really just got there, saw you drunk, and you were...umm...flirting with me, "she said blushing a bit," but then i said let's get you to bed.  Then you started to pout saying no until I was with you,so that's why I'm here." Ah i feel so embarrassed. I was about to say something, but y/n got a phone call. She answered. "I gotta go to work already,"she said and left for work.

Why do i feel my heart beating?



Error j-hope(jung hoseok)xreaderWhere stories live. Discover now