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uh, mature content below i guess.


Sarah and I spent the rest of the night watching movies and gossiping until about two in the morning where we finally crashed.

The next morning she went home and I took another shower because I felt like I had gotten run over by a bus.

I go downstairs and grab something to eat and my parents start bombarding me with questions about the night and how school was going.

After answers all of the questions, they tell me to go wake Colton up. I'm just glad they didn't bring up anything about Forrest.

Ivy had left earlier to go somewhere with her friends so Colton was, hopefully not naked in bed.

I open the door slowly and I see him in just a pair of boxers sprawled out across the bed.

"Colton!" I scream.

I jolts up and looks at me lazily, "what?"

"Lunch is ready, get up!" I tell him before starting to close his door back but he stops me.

"Emma wait," he tells me and I open the door back, "I kissed her."

My mouth drops open, "and?"

"Well, I was pushed into her and it happened but she said she liked it!" He tells me excitedly.

I smiled, "so you guys are like married now or whatever?"

"No not exactly. We kind of agreed to forget about it."

I roll my eyes, "Jesus Christ Colton, you are the stupidest guy in the planet."

"I know."

I left his room and I headed back downstairs to eat lunch and Colton comes down a few minutes later. I didn't dare talk about the kiss with ivy because I know my parents would have something to say about it.

I'll let Colton spill the tea to them.

A little while later I hear my phone buzz and it's Forrest once again.

Come over at five. I'm making dinner for you. Xx.

I smile and respond.

I'll be there.

I look up at the clock and sigh, it's only two. I decide to do some homework since I barely have time to do my own since I'm too busy doing Forrest's.

Once I finish it, I tell my parents I'm going back over to Sarah's house tonight and sleeping over. I wasn't quite ready to tell them I was sleeping over with a boy.

They were fine with Alex. But this is a whole new boy.

Not ready for that talk yet.

I started to get ready to head to his house and even put on some special underwear if something were to happen.

I mean who knows. You always got to be prepared.

When it hit five I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. I was expecting his mom to answer the door, but it was Forrest.

"Hey, you look beautiful." He tells me.

I smile, "and you look dashing as well." It almost felt like we were a couple saying that to each other.

We walk into the house and he leads me to the kitchen where he is preparing something on the stove.

"What are we eating Chef Fillips?"

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