Bye Felicia

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After the presentation, Felicia came to talk to me.
''Hi, I'm Felicia. I just wanted to introduce myself properly." She shook my hand and I smiled, just out of politeness.
"Nice to meet you.'' I didn't know what else to say, it seemed obvious she knew my name.
Felicia adjusted her glasses with one hand while she balanced a lot of papers on the other.
"Do you mind if I scheduled a meeting for us, this week?''
I was a little taken aback by the directness of her question but managed to mumble a 'sure, why not'.
She must've seen my confusion, as she started to explain. ''It's nothing to worry about, just some routine check-up, is all.'' Felicia smiled the whole time, as if the world was made out of rainbows and puppy's. ''When are you available?'' She took out a pen and waited for me to answer.
"School ends in one week. After that, I'm completely free.''
Pleased with my answer, she started to write down a date on her hand. Yes, on her hand.
She showed it to me to make sure I'd seen it where after we said our goodbyes.

Shane escorted me out of the building and once we were outside, I started to talk.
"Felicia is...''
"Hot?'' Shane was grinning. Ew. I raised my eyebrow at him, something he envied I could do.
He shrugged. ''She's okay, trust me.''
"I don't know, there's something about her.'' I thought out loud.
"Don't start. According to you, there's something wrong with everyone.''
"There is something wrong with everyone." I was completely convinced of that fact. Not always in a bad way though. It's just not normal if everything is normal. You know?

The week went by slowly but also very quickly. I was excited to start the new job because it was one of the biggest ones I'd ever accepted. The first meeting was only a week away from now and I couldn't wait. But first, I had to see Felicia and that was something I wasn't looking forward to.
"Elena! I'm so glad you came.'' Felicia was even more chipper than last time.
"Of course I came.'' I said confused. We had an appointment, hadn't we?
Felicia waved her hand as if to say 'forgive me'.
''It's just... Never mind. Shall we begin?'' Her smile grew even wider. It had the opposite effect on me, the brighter she smiled, the more annoyed I got. But I was polite and smiled back anyway. ''Before we really start, I first need your information. If you could fill this in.'' She handed me a sheet of paper that I quickly read over.
''Why do you need all of this?''
The questions were pretty basic, asking me for my address, social security number, career, health, relationships and so on. But why did she need to know?
"It's just for administration. You know how strict the FBI can be sometimes.'' She shrugged as if she didn't care much for it. So I filled in without thinking much of it. After all, it was my first time on such a big mission and I couldn't screw it up.
"So, tell me. Who are you?'' Felicia asked. She was sat in front of me, her legs crossed, pen and paper in her hands.
"I'm sorry, I don't-" I started but she quickly cut me off with a big bright smile.
"Just tell me how someone else would describe you to me."
What did this have to do with the mission? I wasn't very comfortable talking about myself and I definitely didn't like it. But it seemed like Felicia was set on getting something out of me so I pushed myself to answer.
"I'm very serious about my studies.'' I finally said. I knew this was not what she wanted to hear.
"It's a good start. What else?'' Felicia quickly wrote something down before putting her pen back down.
Well, shit. What would Shane say about me to someone else?
"I'm an introvert?'' I wasn't comfortable with this, not at all.
"Yes!" She practically shouted from happiness at my answer. So I guess this was more what she wanted to hear. "Good, very good.''
She scribbled down something else. It went on like this for a while, she asking me to describe myself, me answering and her writing before asking something else again. She also asked about my relationship with others, with Shane, with friends, with relatives. I kept my answers as short and vague as possible. After a while, she seemed to realize I wasn't going to give away any more than I was comfortable with.
''Let's call it a day, shall we?'' She finally put down her pen, after having filled almost 7 pages.
For the first time, I genuinely smiled at her.
"You did good today. I can tell you don't like this, but I can assure you it's a good thing.''
I just nodded because I didn't know how to tell her in a friendly way that I absolutely hated this and couldn't stand her smile.
"Thank you for trusting me. Let's schedule the next appointment, shall we?'' Felicia wrote the next date down, this time, in a real agenda instead of on her hand. I was happy to get out of there and met up with Shane after.
"Have you had an appointment yet, with Felicia?'' I asked him. I knew he would hate it as much as I did. But he'd probably be much better at it.
"No, why would I?''
We were sitting on a bench in the park. Shane was on a stake out, hoping to catch a drug dealer.
''I don't know. I've been today.'' I was drawing circles with one of my feet in the sand.
We never look at each other when we talked. His eyes were constantly looking for any sign of the dealer and I was not someone to look people in the eyes.
"Before the mission?''
I hmm'ed. So as I'd suspected, it wasn't normal to talk to the shrink before a mission. But why had Felicia asked? Why did she seem to be so focused on me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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