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Everyone had gone to bed pretty early after hearing the upsetting news about Martha, it had set a somber tone amongst the group.

It was now 6 am and Karlie couldn't sleep any longer, so she put on shorts over her underwear, already wearing an oversized, faded, grey Rolling Stones t shirt, and made her way downstairs quietly so she didn't wake the other girls. The closer she got to the bottom of the stairs, the more she could smell, what seemed like, bacon.

As she entered the kitchen to make herself some coffee, she noticed the young blonde standing at the stove and frying bacon in a pan.

"Why are you up so early?" Karlie inquired.

"Shit!" Taylor exclaimed in shock, whilst releasing her grip on the pans handle, and swivelling around to see where the unidentified voice had come from.

"Language, princess," The brunette scolded teasingly by adding the nickname at the end - amused when Taylor blushes in response.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "Why do you keep calling me that?"

"I asked you a question first...princess," she pointed out, not being able to help herself and saying the name again just to get on Taylor's nerves.

"I couldn't sleep, and when I can't sleep I just make bacon, so I came down ten minutes ago," explains Taylor.

"Why bacon?" Karlie asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She had to admit that bacon was great, but why not pancakes or anything else.

"Easy to make and they smell and taste delicious."

"Fair enough."

"I answered your question," the blonde says, flipping the pieces of bacon over, "now answer mine."

Karlie stroked her chin with her thumb and index finger, pretending to be deep in thought, "I don't remember your question, what a shame."

"Karlieeeee," she whined.

"Ugh, fine," she huffed. "It's not even a thing exciting, I just like watching you get flustered by it."


Karlie visibly saw how Taylor tended up at the confession and then went on to cook her bacon.

"Do you want any?" Taylor asked, snapping her out of her own thoughts.

"Sure," she shrugged, "why not? I only came down for coffee, but I may as well since you've already made it."

Taylor shot her a quick look over her shoulder, "there's coffee in the pot," she states, nodding her head slightly in the direction of it.

"Thanks," Karlie replied wtih a small smile, alright Taylor hadn't seen it because she'd already turned back to her bacon.

The blonde plated the bacon up and lay out a packet of bread in case she wanted to make it a sandwich. They sat side by side at the breakfast counter, in silence, as they both ate - occasionally sipping on their coffee (Karlie) or orange juice (Taylor).

"So your dads coming back today?" Karlie asked once she'd finished, watching Taylor as she ate another piece.

"No, they come back tomorrow. But he has a habit of coming back the night before sometimes if he can, so it's best if we leave tonight," the seventeen year old replied, happily munching on her bacon. Enjoying its salty taste.

The morning light shone through the large kitchen window they were says opposite to, Karlie took this chance to observe the blondes soft features as she chewed on her food, completely oblivious to being stared at, too busy savouring her breakfast to care. The brunette couldn't help but be astounded by Taylor's natural beauty; her soft, wavy, blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders - looking perfect despite her only just waking up, her bright blue eyes that were fully of life despite her being so young and inexperienced of the world and finally her soft, inviting, plump lips. Karlie would do almost anything to see how they felt on her own lips, the feeling only growing stronger since that night at her sisters apartment when they had almost kissed.

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