Chapter Thirteen - Temptation

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Chapter Thirteen


The elevator door closed with a hush behind me.

Looking around, I observed everything as it had been. Except, that is, for David. In his place I found a file folder on his desk with a piece of notepaper lying on top of it.

Sitting in David's chair, which turned out to be horribly uncomfortable, I took the note and read the carefully printed words:


Any attempt to apologize would only come across as weak or false. I used you, plain and simple. Although my plan did not succeed the way I intended it, I will still keep my end of the deal. Well, sort of. You have two choices. You can go back to Lauren-to the very instant before you were "hit" by the car and resume your life as if nothing ever happened. All you need to do is walk back to the elevator and say aloud, "William Anderson, fugue sequence 1010e." The only catch is this-the probability of a pure success is around .0025%. You would be taking a monumental risk, but there is a chance, however remote. This was the best I could arrange. You're other option is to stay here in this reality. I assure you that it is safe. The folder before you contains everything that will see you through. I will never return to this particular office again. I have, in fact, performed my most significant magic yet! Even that old fraud Applewhite will find it impossible to locate me now.

Enough of that. My own business and my own mesess to clean up. I leave you with your choice. You have less than five hours before the transposition matrix inside the elevator and the power cells fail. Nothing will be salvageable by you or anyone else after this occurs. No one, not even Lauren, would think poorly of you if you decide to stay.

I trust in your decision.

David Malcolm Grey

My first, angry thought was how do you know what Lauren is thinking?

Opening the folder, I discovered the following items: A Swiss bank account in the amount of fifty million U.S. dollars. The deeds to two homes-one here in Monroe and one in Charleston, North Carolina-each worth over $500,000. Title Certificates to four expensive cars, two parked at the Monroe house, the others in Charleston. A new social security card, driver's license and other miscellaneous legal documents. Finally, the information for a bank account at the First Bank of Monroe with a starting balance of ten million dollars.

I fanned all of this across the dark wood of the desk and stared at it. This wasn't simply a choice. It was a blatant temptation. Who in their right mind would pass up a new life such as this? I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about much at all (at least financially) for the rest of my natural life.

Somewhere inside, I could hear Lauren's voice. Stay, she was saying. What's done is done. I only want you to be happy.

I felt as if I could almost reach out and touch her.

Then she was gone and I smiled.

"Another stupid test," I said aloud. "I don't believe this."

I went to the office door, but it would not open. And, of course, there were no windows.

"Can you hear me, David?"


"Are you watching me?"

I glanced around. If there was video surveillance, it was certainly hidden.

I walked quickly over to the elevator.

"William Anderson, fugue sequence 1010e." I stated clearly.

"Welcome, Mr. Anderson," a smooth, familiar female voice said.

The door slid open.

Before stepping inside, I stopped and asked, "Am I in Monroe, New York?"

"That information is classified, Mr. Anderson."

Which meant, I'm sure, that I was not in Monroe. I could have been in California. Paris. I could even be back on Tethys!

Stepping into the elevator, I held my breath. The door closed one last time and I waited for that feeling of weightlessness and vertigo.

A sudden, bright blue strobe of light illuminated the small space.

"Scan complete," the computer stated.

Again, I waited, but there was nothing. No movement. No anti-gravity trick.

"You are going home, my friend," David said, his voice coming from the same hidden speakers as the computer. "You will start over with all memory of what has happened here erased from your mind. I do apologize for this recent deception, but I simply had to know for sure. I'm still astonished you were able to fight your way back, overcoming so many unforeseen obstacles. I believe now that you are my greatest triumph. And, if I may be so bold, my greatest teacher. I now give you back the life I so selfishly took away. Along with a few surprises."

A dull hum filled the air.

"Negative Space calibration successful," the computer said, "Field distortion negligible."

The floor began to vibrate.

"Override on all open channels."

A brilliant green flash. An odd odor-ozone and fruit.

I took a quick, deep breath-

"TOWER feed breached."

My body lurched into the air and froze; I hovered just inches off the elevator floor.


Tears filling my eyes and I moved my arm, reaching out to touch-

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