Author's Note

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This is an entry for ONC, the Open Novella Contest for 2019!

I've been looking for a few contests to enter and I found this one thanks to AdriannaGriffith!

Now I should've published this before the 1st chapter, but I forgot.

So, here it is now.

You've (hopefully) read the description and know what the story is about. It'll come in handy throughout the rest of the story, I promise!

I chose prompt #5 in the Suspense Fiction category, if you're curious.

Now, let's get onto the rest of the story. Happy reading!

PS: If you decide to write your own entry for ONC please share it with me. I'd love to read your stories!

PPS: Check out my reading list for other user's ONC books, you should TOTALLY read them! There's so many good stories and ideas.

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