Good Morning!

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Good Morning!


In all honesty... the Boyles had an amazing house. It was large, roomy, and altogether beautiful. When they were gone, though, it was just lonely. The dogs met me at the door, tails wagging, and I saw Schmoogie dash away.

"Hey, guys," I said, taking the time to let each one. "What's up? Miss your boys?"

Max gave one sharp bark, spinning around once. Chloe and Shania yipped excitedly, and I smiled.

"You guys have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Wanna go outside?"

They understood that. They bolted past me, and I nearly fell, rolling my eyes. Those dogs were insane.

We spent almost half an hour outside. I aimlessly threw a ball, watching the dogs throw a fit over who got to bring it back. Then I fed them and sat down on the couch. The Boyle Brothers had gone to visit the Midwest for two weeks, taking their parents with them. I, unfortunately, had exams to study for. Gilda had recruited me to take care of their animals and had given me free reign of the house. Her only special instruction was that I spent the night, lest Maxwell keep up the whole city with his whining.

There were two days left. I felt horribly lonely here in Monroe, Louisiana, and it was sad to suddenly realise how few friends I actually had here. Sure, I knew a few people from college, but I hadn't bothered connecting with them. I literally spent almost every moment with the Boyles, and two weeks had been horribly long, and I had to admit that I'd begun sleeping in Jared's bed. His room was familiar, comforting. It was midnight, and I was cuddled up in there now, Max on my feet, Shania, Chloe, and Schmoogie curled around me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Two more days.


"Good morning, good morning, good morning to you! Good morning, good morning, good morning to you! Our day is beginning, there's so much to do! So, good morning, good morning, good morning to you!"

I jumped nearly a foot at the loud singing and the clanging cymbals, and I wasn't the only one. Schmoogie let out a loud yowl, dashing away, while his doggy friends jumped up and off the bed, digging their paws into my stomach.

"Oof! What the heck are you four doing!" I shouted, sitting up and glaring at the four brothers. "You aren't supposed to be home yet, and you certainly didn't have to wake me up to that racket!"

"We may have lied about when we were coming home," Jacob said, grinning wildly. Those four were way too chipper for... six in the morning! They were barely out of bed by noon on most days!

"I'm going back to bed," I grumbled, flopping back on the bed and turning my back.

"That's what I wanted to do at like three in the morning... but someone had stolen my bed!"

The mattress bounced up and down as Jared dropped down onto it, and I rolled my eyes, attempting to ignore him. He and his brothers were having none of that. They all gathered carefully around me, and I could feel their gazes. Finally, I chuckled and rolled onto my back to their cheers.

"Fine, fine!" I hopped up, opening my arms. "Do I get a hug from my boys?"

I took a moment to breathe in their scents before pushing them away. "Out! I need to get dressed!"

Jared pouted. "You can't kick me out of my own room!"

"I can, and I did. Go on." I carefully shoved them out the door before turning the lock and sitting on the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. Then I sorta just fell on to my side, curled into a warm little ball, and dozed until someone came banging at the door.

"Bae! It doesn't take that long to change! I need my clothes! And my phone, I left it on the bed!"

I smirked, hopping up and grabbing said device. He had woken me up at the crack of dawn... so I would make sure he never slept. I quickly opened the alarm, setting one for every ten minutes after one AM, before tossing it back on the bed, throwing on a quick outfit, and opening the door, meeting Jared with a cheery smile. He raised an eyebrow.

"You've been in there for a whole hour."

"And?" I reached up and ruffled his hair, causing it to fluff up. "I'm a girl. I need to take my time."

"Bae. You're wearing yoga pants and a Doctor Who shirt. You don't even have any makeup on."

"Again. And?"

I slipped past him into the hall, wandering to the kitchen where the dogs were chowing down.

"They made me promise," their father, Arthur said, smiling at me. "Gilda and I had no choice."

"It's fine," I said. "Did you guys have fun?"

"I thought it was okay. Why don't you go ask the boys? They're out back."

I nodded and patted Max's head before heading out, running a hand through my currently unruly hair. Then I ducked, narrowly missing a frisbee taking my head off.

"Sorry!" Jeffrey shouted, jogging up to retrieve the disc. "You took your time."

"Yeah, I took a small nap. Where's Jesse?"

He grinned mischievously. "Not certain, he ran off ten minutes ago. What I do know is that a week before we left, he got some girl's phone number and he hadn't stopped talking about her since."

"It's about time. Toss that frisbee, I'll join in."

You know, regardless of the fact that I suck at absolutely any sport and frisbee was no exception. I ended up on the ground far too many times, finally just quitting and sitting beside Jared on the patio.

"So," he said. "How'd you enjoy creepering in our house?"

"It was great. Hey, did you know that under Jacob's mattress he-"

"No! No, no, don't need to know."

I laughed. "I'm kidding, Jare. How was the Midwest?"

"Great. The fans were awesome. I love working bigger concerts. Wish you were there."

I shrugged. "At least I got some quality time with the cat."

"Yeah, and my bed. I never asked why you were sleeping in my bed."

I just smiled knowingly, lightly bumping Jared's shoulder.


A/N: Not the longest, but oh well. Drop a vote if you enjoyed, or a comment if you didn't/have something you'd like me to include in the future! Thanks!

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