Meet and Greet

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The time was quarter to four in the morning when Grace returned with bread, cheese, dried meats and fruits, and a flask of something sweet-smelling. I had packed my bag with only the essentials and just enough wiggle room at the top to squeeze the food in. I would have to carry my bow and quiver. It was time to say goodbye.

"Goodbye Miss Luna."

She pulled me in for a big bear hug and I wrapped my arms around her middle as far as they would go. I breathed in the familiar scent of orange peels and soap that had been so constant in my life. "Goodbye, Grace." I pulled away. If the hug had lasted even a fraction of a second longer, I wouldn't have let go and Grace would have had to console me in a blubbering, jelly-like state. I crossed over to the window. The night was in the process of giving way to day as the sun pushed it's rays up through the ground, just the barest hint of dawn was underway. I had to leave before the rest of the household woke up otherwise I would be spotted and brought back to my father to face the consequences. I heaved the heavy backpack onto my shoulders and pulled my bow across my chest. My quiver could go in the side pocket of my backpack, easy to reach should I need it. I swung one leg over the window sill and balanced myself on the edge. 

With one last look back into the room that I grew up in, I heaved myself over the edge, hooking my foot on the thinner branches growing beneath my window pane. It was more difficult going down than I had expected. Every few meters the vines would thin and I would find myself reaching further and further down to find a foothold. The night was cool, but all I felt was the heavy feeling of my backpack dragging me down and the rough wall that I was so desperately holding onto. About halfway down I decided to stop and take a break. My heart was thumping in my chest and all I could hear was my heavy breathing.  I caught my breath and was about to continue on my way down when I hear a sound coming from next to me. Not yet. Not now, it's too early and surely the guards wouldn't be up yet. I looked across the wall, over to the next window and my eyes met the gaze of someone else. Someone using the same vine to climb out of a turret window. Someone like me. 

A chilling breeze rippled through the air, tunneling its way down my jacket and tickling my spine. I shivered. He held my gaze for what must have been one of the longest moments in my life before he broke into an easy smile. "Well, you must be Luna Lynch," he smirked. He was wearing black pants with a loose linen shirt and, like me, carried a pack on his back. He hung off the wall like an experienced climber, one arm dangled loosely at his side while the other was gripping into the rough stone. His feet supported him from below.

"How do you know my name," I hissed at him coldly.

"I'm surprised you don't know mine."

"Should I?"

"Actually, I'm more surprised that you haven't guessed by now." He brushed his dark hair out of his eyes. There was a moment of silence where I stared at him, calculating. Then it hit me. This was the man with whom I had been fated to spend the rest of my life. I felt quite affronted that he felt the need to run away from me. Could one ever find someone sweeter than myself? He saw the flash of recognition in my eyes and, as quick as falling rain, he shimmied down the rest of the wall with cat-like agility. I wasn't exactly the picture of elegance or grace as I made my lumbering way down the rest of the vine.

It took me some time to get to the bottom, but once I did he was waiting there for me. "You." Grunt. "You're the person," gasp, "who I'm," wheeze, "supposed to marry." pant. I saw a glimmer of teeth in the moonlight. 

"Well, it took you long enough."

I was still out of breath from the climb down and this new discovery did nothing to lighten my spirits. I set down my pack and took out my flask of water from the side. Fresh, cool water gurgled down my parched throat. 

"If you carry on like that then you'll never have enough water to make it past the house gates, let alone wherever you're going after that." There was a mutual understanding between us that we would both leave the house and part our separate ways into the oncoming dawn.

I gave him the stink eye as water dribbled down my chin. Not exactly the effect I was hoping for. "Well, what would you suggest then," I replied with all the malice I could manage.

"Pretty girl like you traveling alone wouldn't make it past the house gates anyway." He winked at me. "Where are you going anyway?"

"None of your business," I responded saltily. There was still a chance that he would report me to my father. 

"Well not such a princess after all, are we?"

I decided to try a different approach. "So where are you going?" I asked sweetly.

"Wherever the wind takes me." He smiled. I should have expected something like this.

"Fabulous, then I'll go in the exact opposite direction." I turned my back to him and marched away. It was only a few seconds before I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around. "Can you not take a hint?" He was holding my backpack out to me with an outstretched arm. 

"I just thought that you might need this," he paused, "You know, eventually."

I grabbed the bag, furious with myself for forgetting it, and even more so with him for bringing it to me. "Look, I don't need your help."

"Really? Cause it looks like you do." He gestured towards my pack, now firmly secured to my back again. 

"Whatever." I started walking away again but he caught my arm and pulled me back.

"Wait! We need each other." His voice was softer now. "Think about it. It would be way better for both of us if we traveled together. These roads can get really dangerous at night and it's always safer to travel in groups. Besides," he grinned, "I bet you know how to use that thing." He gestured to my bow. I hated to admit it but he was right. Even the roads that were close to my father's house held perilous dangers and I had grown up with Grace telling me all sorts of stories about young girls who were walking to visit an aunt one day and never seen or heard from ever again. It's not that I couldn't take care of myself. It's just that there's a lower chance of being kidnapped if I had a guy with me. This is the world that we live in.

"Fine. But don't expect me to get all buddy-buddy. This is a business relationship only."

"Of course." He mocked seriousness. "I would never infringe on such a sacred agreement."

"You better not." He saw me glance towards my bow.

He gave me a look. 

"Really, Luna Lynch?"

"My name is Luna. Just Luna."

"Alright 'Just Luna', I'm Sebastian. But my friends call me Seb." He winked. This was going to be a long journey.

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