Chapter 1: The Video

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         PaperJam's POV

Ths bus made it's way to school. I still had the video of the two nerds singing that song... it was very sad. I sent it to Palette and Cil. They haven't replied yet, but then again... Palette has Cheerleading Practice and Cil is out sick today so... "PJ!!" Undyne screeched, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?!?" I yelled "We're here. Let's go." She said "Yeah! Lets go!" BP said "Fine." I said. We got off the bus. I walked into the school and over to my locker. I then saw the two nerds over by the music room. I wanted to go and listen to their conversation, but Undyne dragged me away.

                Cray's POV

Me and Fresh made it to school safely. I was currently talking to him. "So, Fresh. What are we gonna do after school??" I asked "I don't know... Maybe try to find out where Dust, Killer, Shadow, and Horror live???" He said "Or... We could just tell you." I heard someone say from behind me. "KILLS?! SHADY?! POWDER?! TERROR?! WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN THE PAST FEW MONTHS?! WE CALLED YOU GUYS LIKE FIFTY TIMES OVER!!!" I screeched "First of all... DON'T FUCKING CALL ME POWDER!!!" Dust screeched "Second, Killer lost his phone so he had to get a new one and I don't answer my phone no matter who the hell calls. I don't know about Horror and Shady though..." Dust said "Oh... I was playing matchmaker for Fell and Classic, so I never answered the phone." Shady said "And I was busy tracking this one bitch down so I could kill them." Horror said bluntly "...... Okay??" I said "So...... Wanna have a singing competition later??" Fresh asked, having an evil look in his eyes. "OH ITS ON!!!" Dust yelled "YEAH!!!" Shady screeched  "By the way... Did you guys see that video???" Killer asked  "No... What video??" I asked. Killer pulled out his Phone. "It's a video of you guys singing Lucid Dreams. I don't know how this video got sent to everyone but now you are gonna have to watch it." Killer said "......... GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!! WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK WOULD RECORD SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR DAMN PERMISSION?! ONCE I FIND THIS BITCH I AM GONNA RIP OUT THEIR THROAT SO NOBODY CAN HEAR THEM SCREAM WHEN I KILL THEM!!!" Fresh raged. His eyes were glowing and he looked angry. "CALM THE FUCK DOWN FRESH!!" Shady yelled "SCREEEEEEE!!!!!" Fresh screeched demonically. "NAP TIME!!" Horror yelled, hitting Fresh in the back of his head with the handle of an axe. Fresh Fell on the floor and everything stopped breaking. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?" A black skeleton with magenta, blue, and yellow eyes screeched, running over.

  "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?" A black skeleton with magenta, blue, and yellow eyes screeched, running over

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"Oh, Nothing... Just that my brother, Fresh, Got angry because somebody recorded us singing without our permission and now he wants to find and kill them." I said "O-Oh... Well, Are you upset about that??" He asked "Nope. As long as the person who recorded us eventually tells us then I'm good." I said "Oh. Well, then I have to say, It was me... Sorry about that..." He said "Oh, Okay! Well, Fresh MIGHT Kill you... But I can try to calm him down so he won't." I said "Anyway, My name is PaperJam, but you guys can call me PJ." PJ said. "IT WAS YOU?! YOU'RE– oh my god you're hot......" Fresh said "I MEAN— I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!" Fresh exclaimed. They both blushed. "W-Well, I gotta go... Bye!" PJ said, running who knows Where. "Who was that?" Fresh asked. Oh yeah! He was knocked out when We met him. "That was Paperjam. He seemed nice enough... I guess......" I said. Fresh was busy thinking about who knows what when I said the last part. All I know is he heard the guys name and started daydreaming... here we go again......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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