Puppy Dog Eyes•Pt1- N.M.

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My phone vibrated for the fifth time tonight.
"If that's him ignore it, we are studying." said my best friend
"I have been, he's being persistent." I say
"Y/N, you cannot give in to him." she says
I turned my phone off completely and sat it down.
My best friend knew everything. She knew about him and I and the situation between us.
I laid my head over in my hand as I highlighted the important materials.
"What's wrong now?" my best friend said
"Nothing." I say and keep highlighting
She didn't understand that I loved him, but I know he just used me for sex.
And I didn't want to tell my friend the situation either because I felt like she'd judge me for the situation.
"You know you can talk to me, I'm your best friend." she said
"I know you are." I say and write some stuff on my paper
I continue to work on the homework and my friend stares at me.
"Can you stop staring?" I ask
"Why are you being this way?" she huffs
Oh why am I being this way? As if she doesn't know.
"I think we should call it a night." I say
"Oh so you can run to him, that sounds good to me." she huffs and gathers her stuff
"Y/BF/N, please." I say
"Good night Y/N." she says
I power my phone back on and see 6 missed calls from him and 52 texts.
I dial his number, out of habit and loneliness.
"Hello." he answers
"Come over." I respond and hang up quickly
I continue to work on my homework as I wait for the knock on my door.
I welcome him in without hesitation, no glimmer of regret in my eyes.
"I'm glad you called." he smiles and gets closer
"Nick." I say
"Yes ma?" Nick says
"Don't. Not tonight." I remark
"You didn't have a problem last night." he laughs coldly
The air grew incredibly thick around us.
"Why did you invite me over if we weren't going to fuck?" Nick says
"Can't we just talk for once? Aren't we still friends?" I huff
He sat quietly as I stood at the counter and sipped the hot chocolate in my mug.
I knew what was coming next, Nick hardly, if ever got upset.
"I'm leaving. This is stupid." Nick said
"You're so good at leaving." I said
He stood in the living room, his hand ran through his hair.
I could tell he was five seconds away from possibly pulling every bit of the raven colored locks from his head.
Nick continued to pace back and forth, his crisp clean shoes making the rickety apartment floor creak under the weight of him.
"If you're leaving, go." I respond and walk towards the door, opening it
Nick's laugh cut through me like scissors through ribbon.
My body broke out in chills from the haunting laughter escaping his throat.
"I'm not leaving." Nick said
This was a dangerous game I was playing and somehow I knew I was on the losing end.
"Well I'm not having sex with you." I say
He laughed again for the third time in the last five minutes, I wanted to wipe the smug grin off his face.
"Would you stop laughing at me? Just stop!" I shouted
"I can't help it cause you always say one thing and it ends up differently." Nick smirks
I huff and set down on the couch. This was aggravating and I had a quiz tomorrow and I just wanted him to leave now.
I regretted even saying come over.
He stands against the door frame, his arms crossed, with his head hanging low.
"Why so angry ma?" Nick says
My blood was boiling and I was so sick of being levelheaded.
"Come on, let's just go at it." I say and take my hoodie off and showing my bra
You won't love my puppy dog eyes
You just wanna be between my thighs
"See, you are so predictable Y/N. You always say no and you don't want to and look at you." he laughs
"Really Nick! I'm predictable, you know this is the only reason you came over!" I spit
Nick walked closer and my body tensed, I knew what was to follow next. Why was I scared though?
"Come closer." Nick smirked
"If you want it, you come closer." I said
He took a step closer and laughed.
This was a game to him, cat and mouse. He wanted me to beg for him before he made a move.
"I'm not begging you to do anything. You can scratch that off the book." I scoff
"I'm not begging you." Nick mocks
"Fuck you! You know that." I say
"I would say that but it's overdone and we all know I'm more original." Nick says
"Oh yeah so original. More like plain." I say
Nick finally makes it to the couch.
"And you know what?" he says
"What?" I ask, my breath trembling
"I can still make you beg." Nick laughs
I looked into his big brown eyes and I was like butter in a hot pan. Every single fiber in me melted.
Nick sat down and pulled me across his lap.
"And here we are." his voice whispered as he ran his hands up and down my back
My lips met his finally. I'd been waiting on this since he got here.
I was just as guilty for wanting sex as Nick was but I didn't make it as known.
Our lips moved together as we made out and my hips ground against him.
"Maybe we should uh got to the room." I said as I continued to kiss him
He got up off the couch as my legs wrapped around him.
I just love your puppy dog eyes
put your hands on my inner thighs
I knew what I did when I invited him over and I said I regretted it and I knew I'd further regret it in the morning, but for now it was what we both wanted.

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