The Girl in Odd Socks. (Pt 5)

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The next few days past slowly. Each lesson I had with Jake I dreaded. He hardly ever looked at me and when he did it would only be for a split second. He never spoke a word to me, he didn't even wave or smile. Each time I past him in the corridor my heart stopped for a moment. I wasn't sure why I was so terrified of him, he wasn't going to hurt me. But while I was walking to English one day I reached into my pocket and found the buttercup. It was withered and dying but it was still the same buttercup that Jake had placed in my hair the night this whole argument started. As I looked at the buttercup my heart felt like it was twisting and tarring inside me. It actually hurt. I didn't want this, it was only going to remind me of Jake. I clenched it tightly in my fist as I strode to English.

As I entered the classroom I saw Jake turn his head away from me. Although I expected this my heart still sank a little.

"Rebecca, hand them out please!" Mrs Char pointed to the jotters then turned back to the board. I dropped my bag under my desk then picked up the stack of jotters. As usual I dished them out to the class but I saved Jake's until the very end. Just when nobody was looking I placed the withered buttercup in the next empty page in his jotter. I closed his jotter and placed it on his desk. I didn't expect him to turn round but he did. He still didn't look at me though. I dragged myself back to my seat and waited for him to open his jotter.

"Jotters open to the next clean page please children," Mrs Char ordered. I smiled to myself and held myself from spinning round to see his reaction. I couldn't help myself for long. I turned my head slightly. Jake stared at the page for a moment then picked up the buttercup and spun it round in his fingers. After a second he looked up at me. I should have turned my head back round as soon as he looked at me but I couldn't help myself. I smiled at him expecting him to smile back, hoping he would smile back. If he did it would make everything ok right? If he smiled it meant that he forgave me didn't it? He didn't smile. He just stared at me with a blank expression. My smile disappeared, I thought I was going to burst into tears. I spun my head round and covered my face with my hands. I could feel beads of liquid dripping onto my palms but I didn't care. I tried to cry silently. I didn't want everyone to hear me, only Jake. I wanted him to come and comfort me. Then from behind me I heard a chair scrape off the carpet and a lot of shuffling. Usually I would have looked round to see what was going on but today I kept my hands over my face.

"What the hell are you doing man!?" I heard a boy shout from behind. I turned round to see Jake standing at the side of his desk holding his guitar. He was looking straight at me smiling. My now mascara covered face gave out a confused expression. The whole class, including Mrs Char, turned round and looked at Jake. But I wasn't just looking at him, I was gazing at him.

"Jake! What do you think you are doing! Put that guitar down and sit back in your seat now!" Mrs Char screamed at him.

"Sorry Mrs Char, I have freedom of speech! It's one of my human rights, look it up!" Jake didn't look away from me. I giggled to myself and Jake smiled at me. Jake held the guitar up to his chest so it looked like he was going to play. Out of nowhere Jake started to strum something. The tune sounded familiar. It was the one he was trying to teach me on the field. But then he started to sing.

"I just made up this song just now, I don't know what to say, Rebecca I love you no matter what, And I want it to stay that way," I started to smile.

"I love the way you laugh at stuff, I love your gorgeous smile, I love you more than... Mrs Char! And I want it to stay that way," I laughed and put my hands on my cheeks.

"I love the way your embarrassed right now, I love way you walk, I want to hold you right now Rebecca, And I want it to stay that way," I wiped the mascara off my cheeks but kept smiling.

"I love the clothes you like to wear, I love the sound of your voice, I hope I haven't embarrassed myself, And I want it to stay that waaaaaay." Jake finished and everyone began to clap including me. Jake stood with his guitar, not staring at anyone else but me, just smiling. I don't think I could smile anymore than I was without my face ripping apart. Jake stepped in front of me and placed the withered buttercup back in my hair. I didn't care that it was withered. I didn't want this moment to end.

"Jake Morgan! To the head teacher's office now! And you can leave your guitar here!" Mrs Char spoilt the moment. Everyone began to boo her apart from me and Jake. We just stared at each other smiling. Jake picked up his bag and handed over his guitar to Mrs Char. Usually he would never have given up his guitar that easily, but today he just handed it over. I watched him as he left the classroom and wished I was with him now. Finally my life was going amazing.

Throughout the rest of the English lesson I sat and anxiously waited for the bell to ring, as soon as that bell rung I would be straight to the head teacher's office. I was still in shock. I couldn't believe Jake had done that for me, it was beautiful. I smiled just thinking about it. Suddenly the bell rang and I shot up out my seat. I threw my jotter into the pile and swung my bag onto my back. I was about to run out the classroom when Mrs Char called me over. I quickly walked over hoping it wasn't anything that would take too long. I wanted to see Jake so bad!

"I see Jake quite likes you Rebecca," I was ready for Mrs Char to spout some nonsense about being too young to really love someone or relationships being against the rules, "Listen Rebecca, you don't know how lucky you are. Not many boys are that committed. Take the chance while it's there! You'll regret it forever if you don't!"

"Eh... ok miss..." I was surprised. She was actually being nice, Mrs Char was being nice! She handed me Jake's guitar to give to him.

"Go! Go! What are you waiting for!" She smiled and shooed me away with her hand. I sprinted out the classroom and down the stairs to the head teacher's office. News travelled fast in my school and occasionally I was stopped in the halls by pupils congratulating me and asking what had happened but I honestly didn't care, I just needed to see Jake. I ran to the office but Jake wasn't there. I leaned against the huge oak door and listened. I could hear muffled voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying but I could make out the one of them was Jake. I stepped back from the door and leaned against the wall.

Around 10 minutes later Jake appeared from the office. I hadn't noticed until he called my name.

"Rebecca," Jake stepped out the door and smiled. He stood in front of me and put his arms out.

"Jake!" I dropped my bag and his guitar and ran into his arms.

"I made a fool of myself in English didn't I?" He laughed.

"I don't care if you did. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I was still hugging him.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't know why I was so stupid. It was just walking you home anyway," Jake hugged me tighter.

"It doesn't matter, you can walk me home whenever you want. I missed you so much!" I let go of him and wiped a tear from my eye. He leaned down and wiped my cheek but kept his hand at my face.

"So were good now?" He smiled.

"Good!? We're fantastic!" I laughed. He leaned over and kissed me.

"So what happened in there?" I pointed to office.

"He phoned my Dad, it's ok though. My Dad will be fine with it," Jake told me.

"Oh my God! Your Dad knows that you sang for ME in class!" We both laughed. I was so happy right now. Me and Jake were back together, me and Dad were ok again. I don't think my life could get anymore perfect!

AAAAAH! Getting excited now! 5th chapter done! Again I'm sorry if there is any spelling mistakes. Please remember to comment and vote and fan and all that good stuff!

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