chapter 7

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It only took them a couple of days and Carter and Tally were seemingly attached at the hip. Tally thought it to be a little odd, how attracted she was to him. He was so different from Johnny, but maybe that's exactly what she liked about him.

There were no kisses or sex yet, but there were small touches and lingering hugs and sitting close together on the couch, even though there was lots of room. He liked her around, especially after a game they lost. Tally was also fond of the new friend she had found in Nick; they instantly hit it off.

Rose was obviously noticing how her friend was at Carters place most of the time, a nice change to what it was like before when she stayed in her bed or on the couch all the time.
Tally had his feet in Carter's lap while he was playing NHL 19 and Tally had her earphones on and a sheet of paper in hand, trying to transcribe some guitar riffs by ear. It was just before noon; Tally had stayed for the night, cuddled up with him in his bed.

"So, what you're up to today?", Carter asked and removed her earphones, snaking an arm around her calves to pull her towards him.
"Uh, it's Wednesday, right? I'll meet up with a guy from TSN, they want me to do a small jingle for a show they're doing. Not my are, usually, but pretty exciting", Tally said, fidgeting with her phone. She was quite nervous. This job could be the steppingstone for a career in producing, so she wouldn't have to do wedding gigs or busking anymore. Her dream was to produce music she actually loved, from artists she liked, staying in the background where no one would give her too much attention. She liked the idea of making enough money with it to focus more on her painting or do other musical projects.

"Sounds scary. When and where is it? I can drive you", Carter offered.

"At one in the city somewhere. I can get take the subway, y'know", Tally smiled, being her humble self. He knew she was able to take the tube, but still, he wanted to make it easy for her. She felt how tense she was about the opportunity, and maybe just getting her there, would take away some of the fear.

"No, I really want to do it. Also, another question: What are you doing tonight?", he asked mischievously.

"I don't know yet, but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me right now", she laughed.

"Well, we have this team dinner or get together or whatever. They do it every couple of months and it's my first time. Everyone brings their family and friends and there's is food", he finished. "I wanted to ask if you'd come."

"I guess so, who else you gonna bring?", Tally asked. She had met a few of his teammates, but only once and for a short time. She hoped maybe Nick would come, apart from his parents so she wouldn't feel too alone.

"Actually, it's only you", Carter rubbed the back of his neck. He knew Nick would be busy, and his parents are back in Canada. He didn't know a lot of people in Philadelphia, but to be completely honest he liked the idea of Tally, being the absolute stunning girl she was, by his side to brag to his teammates. Everyone would love her.

"Oh", her lips formed a small o, then biting the inside of her mouth. "Are you sure that it's not only for like wives and kids?"

"Yeah. I've been told everyone just brings people they like being around and are fun. No specifications", he said, trying to reassure her. He stroked over her bare knees, smirking as goosebumps started to rise.

"Alright, I'll come. What's the dress code?"

"Uh, I'll wear a suit. I think a dress would be nice. Cocktail, or something like that, I don't really know the names", he laughed. Carters fashion knowledge was limited and it showed. The day before they went shopping, but it escalated in Tally just laughing at every comment Carter made.

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