harry: ❝i love gay people❞

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Harry doesn't curse often, but when he does, he makes sure to do it several times in a row just to get it out of his system. Today is the day he lets the 'fuck's fly. He slept through his alarm this morning, which meant that Aglentine must have too, which then meant that he had four kids that needed to be at school and a job to be at before the clock struck eleven a.m.

"Fucking hell," Harry muttered under his breath as he rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. "I cannot believe I overslept."

When he finished, he rushed out of his room and knocked furiously on Nadia and Alix's door before walking inside. The two were fast asleep in their beds. (Nadia slept with her arms crossed over her chest, while Alix slept sideways with his hands hanging off of the bed; the stark contrast was enough to make Harry swoon, but he didn't have time to think about how wonderful his children were right now).

"Come on, we're running late."

"10 more minutes, please," he heard Alix whine into his pillow.

"You guys had an hour. Up." Harry waited until the two of them got out of bed to leave the room. "Aglentine!"

Like a bat out of hell, Aglentine swung open his bedroom door, looking frantic and exhausted. "Are we running late?"

"Yes, now please wake up Angel."

"Yes, sir."

Harry went back to his room to change out of his pajamas, feeling his heart twinge when he realized that he wouldn't be able to iron his clothes this morning. There was almost nothing he hated more than wrinkled shirts, but today just wasn't the day to take his time. He had a presentation to give at noon, and if he didn't show up on time, his chances at getting a promotion were in the toilet until further notice. Ultimately, Harry had to settle for (wrinkled) floral dress pants and a button-up, which he covered up with his floral blazer. This would be enough.

When Harry walked into the kitchen, he was relieved to see Nadia pouring a glass of almond milk. She was already wearing her school uniform, and her hair was neatly tied into two ponytails. At least one of his kids was nearly ready to go despite the rush.

"This is for you," Nadia said as he held out the glass of milk towards Harry. "I also put your water bottle in your purse."

"Satchel," Harry corrected as he took the glass and chugged it. "Thank you, lovebug. Be careful putting the milk carton back in the—"

Before Harry could finish his sentence, Nadia's elbow knocked into the open milk carton and sent the contents spilling onto the kitchen floor. The older man shut his eyes tightly and pursed his lips to avoid cursing, then pointed at the paper towels for Nadia to grab.

A beat later, Alix walked in, looked down, and took it upon himself to say, "There's titty milk on the floor."

"Please refrain from using that word, Alix."

"Sorry," Alix murmured, "breast milk."

"It is oat milk." Harry grabbed his share of paper towels to help Nadia with the cleanup, careful to not get any on his pants. "Is Aglentine almost ready? You two need to get going."

Alix stepped over the mess to reach into the cabinet for a granola bar, "Angel started crying because he couldn't find his favorite dinosaur shirt, so Aglentine started helping him look for different shirts to wear. Hey, dad, do you think you could pick me up from school today? I have band practice and Aglentine doesn't wanna wait for me."

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