First Impressions

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Sorry it took me so long, personal problems, hope you enjoy.

"Oh crap I... I'm so sorry-" You seid. TeruTeru grabed a towel to give you. " Oh don't worry about it... I probably shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" he chuckled. The smell of the icing was so alluring, you couldn't help but give it a tast. It was divine. "Here's a toWL-!" TeruTeru seid turning tword you. " mmnh~, I got it mmh~" You say licking the white icing off your fingers. TeruTeru's eyes go wide as his face turns red and his nose starts to bleed. He grips the towel as he watches you suck the icing off your hands and listen to the sounds you made as you did. " Oh my god, this tastes so good~" you say praticly moaning. You realise how sexual this may sound to everyone in the other room so you stopped. " I'm sorry for the waist of ic-..." you say looking to TeruTeru noticing his bloody nose. "...- oh my God are you okay!?" You said getting up and running toward him. " I-I'm a-a-alright " TeruTeru seid red faced. You take the towel from Terus hands and clean up his face, not noticing he was using the towel to hide the tint in his pants. TeruTeru stood in shock and fear. " M-my you're bold" Teru seid. You could a slight glint in his chocolate brown eyes. "What do you mean"? You ask as you wipe away the blood from his face. TeruTeru smirks and leans closer to you. "Not many girls are too thrilled by my presence," he says still smirking. " I don't see why not, you seem like a really nice guy." You tell TeruTeru, his smirk turns to a smile. " You- you're not... appalled by me?" He asked. You pause and look into his eyes. " WHAT!OF COURSE NOT, WHY WOULD I BE...?"  Teru's smile widens. "...did Mui say that to you?, don't listen to that girl, she's got issues." you say, TeruTeru laughs. " haha~oh no, she hasn't seid anything of the sort hm hmm~" he seid smiling "~ so what's a fine girl such as yourself doing back here~?" Teru asked with a wink. " Mui seys it's too dangerous for me out there right now..." You say making sure there's no more blood. "oh" Teru seys an eyebrow raised. "... yeah, all the boys were staring at me like a pack of hungry wolves would a steak dinner. " TeruTeru smirks, you laugh. " haha, that's what Mui told me...She didn't think I was safe out there." You say. TeruTeru's smirk turns evil and the glent in his eyes appear again. He leans in more and whispers to you, sending a chill down your spine. "~ You're not safe in here either ~..."

Sorry for the slow updates... my thumbs get so tired and I have so much cr*p going on with school, I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, next one will be out whenever my lazy butt remembers...

TeruTeru HanamuraWhere stories live. Discover now