New member(Link to story)

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Hey all. I know you are expecting to see part 5 of this story but it takes wayyyy too long to post on here. An easier way for me to do this would to give you guys a link to the story part on my DeviantArt account. I post all the chapters there and the links for the next and previous parts are in the description.
Copy and past this into your search bar on whatever site you use to look up stuff and you will find part 5. I don't know if it's a link on here to press on it and it takes you directly to it but it's here. This is part 5 and parts 6, 7, and 8 are posted as well. To enlarge the photo and be able to read it, you can either press/click on it till it reaches its biggest size or you can download it. Whatever you choose is fine but it is way too hard for me to put them on here. Especially since the parts are getting longer. It takes me like 2 hours or more to edit them and upload them on here to where it takes half that time to do them on my computer and post them on DA. Please if you want to read it, go to the link below!

So sorry but this story will no longer be posted here. It takes way too long. I have to send my photos individually to my phone via email and edit each one with a photo app. It takes forever to do so this will just save me some time. If you don't have a DeviantArt account and you don't want to make an account, you can still look at them, and if you want to comment, just come back here and let me know.

Also just a head up, the story on there is a different name! But it's the exact same story but just with a different title! I just forgot to change it on here and I'm too lazy to do so ^^'

This "book" will just be used for single posters now. So sorry to disappoint

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