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A/N: Okay so this is a part two/sequel thing to Captain. I wasn't planning on doing a part two but a couple of people asked for one which surprised me because I was really unsure of Captain in the first place. I didn't have any ideas for this at first but when I brainstormed it out, I actually got kind of excited about it so here we go...


"This is our last practice of the season boys! We have one game left. The last game of your high school careers for a lot of you, so let's practice hard today," Coach Belding shouted.

The varsity boy's team had their own court in the gym, a lot of practice time was given to them to do with what they wanted to work on. It was a system that seemed to work for them so nobody argued with it.

"Sean, why don't you set up hitting lines, work on some sets," Kaycee said, walking up next to her boyfriend.

"Okay Coach," he said, smirking at her before announcing the drill and waiting for the team to line up. Sean took his place by the net, ready to set. Kaycee watched as the team worked on their hitting, offering suggestions and corrections when she noticed them.

Being able to act as an assistant coach for the boy's team as Sean had for the girls was really fun for Kaycee, especially since she had been friends with a lot of the boys on the team for almost four years.

Sean stopped the drill calling Kaycee over to him all of a sudden.

"What's up?" She asked, coming to a stop next to him.

"I feel like I don't have control over the ball. Am I doing something wrong with my hands?" He asked. She looked at him, an incredulous look on her eyes. He had ever had a problem with his sets before and she didn't notice anything different.

"I'm not a setter Sean," she told him.

"I know but just watch a couple and help me," he said, rolling his eyes with a smile on his face. She nodded her head, stepping back to give him room.

Julian threw the ball for him to set it. Sean went up with both hands but the ball ended up spinning quickly as opposed to the desired steady float-arc. Kaycee saw what he did wrong immediately.

"You underrotated your wrist. Make sure your thumbs contact the ball a the same time as the rest of your fingers," she said, showing him the correct form on her hands.

"Oh right," he said, making the motion with his own hands. Josh threw the next ball, and Sean had the same problem.

"No, Sean" She said, coming up to him and putting his hands into the correct position herself.

"Sorry Coach," he said, smiling sheepishly as she stepped back again. Julian threw another one, Sean making the same mistake for the third time.

"Sean? What are you doing?" She asked, showing him the form once again. She put his arms above his head, showing him where he should be contacting the ball. Instead of focusing on their hands, Sean glanced down at her, face lost in concentration and focus.

He leaned down slightly and pressed a quick kiss to her lips, pulling back immediately. His actions earned wolf whistles from his team as she shook her head, hiding the blush that rose up her neck.

"Sean," she said, warning in her tone.

"Sorry, sorry, I got distracted," he said smiling at her.

Josh threw another ball, this time it left Sean's hands in the perfect arc, his form impeccable.

"Thanks, Coach, you're a miracle worker," Sean said, smiling at her as she set a few more balls that were thrown at him.

She rolled her eyes, muttering "unbelievable," under her breath as she stepped outside the lines of the court.

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