in the hospital (part 2: cheater)

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doctor: hey chloe. how are you feeling?
chloe: i'm good
doctor: who are these young women and men?
chloe: my best friends
doctor: okay. well i'm Dr. Castro💕
(a/n: dr. castro is a female)
chloe: okay.
doctor: okay so you fainted right?
chloe: yes
doctor: has this happened before?
chloe: yes
doctor: okay. so what happened
chloe: i found my boyfriend cheating on me and before i knew it all i saw was darkness. then they found me and called 911.
doctor: i think i may have an idea what this is. when did this last happen?
chloe: when my ex boyfriend abused me and when he'd hug me, i'd faint.
doctor: okay. so, we're going to have to run some tests.
chloe: okay.
doctor: so chloe, do you play sports?
chloe: no. i'm a dancer.
doctor: okay, well if my diagnosis is accurate, you won't be affected unless you spend time with your boyfriend.
chloe: okay.
doctor: okay so i'm going to draw blood and look at the statistics and tell you what is wrong.
chloe: okay
doctor: so chloe, how old are you?
chloe: i'm 18
doctor: usually kids your age are in college right now.
chloe: i am in college. my schools football team and dance squad are here for state championships.
doctor: ohhh okay.
chloe: yeah.
doctor: so what school do you guys go to?
jonah: we go to ohio state university.

chloe's pov:
the doctor put the needle in my arm and i saw the blood. she put it in a special bag and then she put it in some cool scan thingy. the statistics went to her computer.

tessa: is she gonna be okay?
doctor: yes she'll be fine.

doctor: okay my previous diagnosis was correct. chloe you have a fainting disorder called "Situational Syncope"

chloe: what's that?
doctor: in certain situations, you get triggered. your blood pressure begins to drop and that's what causes you to temporarily lose consciousness.
chloe: oh wow. okay.
doctor: you didn't have this until earlier today, i'm just letting you know that your boyfriend caused this.
jonah: oh my god.

jonah's pov:
with that i stormed out. i got back downstairs. and i saw logan trying to make out with selena but she was pushing him away. he saw me and immediately got up.

logan: how is she?
jonah: not that you care, but she's fine.                                                          logan: i want to see her.
jonah: i don't care what you want. selena come with me
selena: okay.

we were walking to the elevator.

selena: jonah i have to tell you something even though you probably hate me.

jonah: i wanna be friends. so tell me.

selena: everything that you guys saw wasn't what it seemed.
jonah: what do you mean?
selena: logan- r-r-r
jonah: logan what?
selena: logan was trying to rape me then chloe came in. check the security cameras.
jonah: thank you for telling me.
selena: i don't want chloe to hate me. is she okay?
jonah: she has a fainting disorder called "situational syncope".
selena: oh my god.

we went back to the room.

chloe: selena...get out
selena: logan tried to rape me. check the security cameras.
chloe: i believe you but we're still checking the cameras later.
doctor: chloe, you'll be able to go home today.
chloe: okay thank you😊
doctor: no problem

time skip: back home

tessa's pov:
apparently logan went home. he can suck 7 dicks🖕🏽but i do know that he's sad so i hope he doesn't do anything drastic.

logan's pov:
what's the point of me even living anymore? i can't live with myself. tessa was mine and now she's happier with jonah. i cheated on chloe and broke her heart. all my friends hate me. i raped selena. i want to die and that's what i'm going to do. i wrote a letter to the other guys and girls that are here. i drove to the dance house and put it on their door. i went back home, grabbed a razor from my drawer, and started cutting my wrist until blood was pouring from my arm. i blacked out.

#LESSA 2💗🤧: Tonah❤️Where stories live. Discover now