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Peytons brother^ Jackson

Unknown P.O.V

He lifted his phone to his ear. Hello,came a voice on the other line. Was she there tonight a deep voice asked. Yeah she was,hanging all over him,it was pathetic,the voice on the other end said. The unknown man growled,we will have to do something about this problem then,he said a wicked smile appearing on his face. He tapped the end button and laid his phone on the table.

He was quite sure there was something he could do to ruin Charitys life. He picked his glass of wine up,and took a sip delving off into a few memories he had.

I bet you can't catch me a 12 year old girls voice screamed at her cousin. It was a nice sunny day just for preteen kids with no WiFi at the moment. A boys voice rang out over the field oh yeah what makes you think that, he said grinning. He loved playing with his cousin she was so pretty with a personality of well pretty much any happy almost teenage girl. He aligned as he snuck up on his cousin from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist,he yelled boo making the girl scream in laughter. He buried his nose in her neck inhaling her scent. What are you doing D the girl asked shyly . I have another game for us to play ,he said pulling her arm to follow him. Like what,she asked. Dont worry he said as they went into a deeper part of the woods. He turned to face her ,its a game called touch, I touch you where I want you do the same to me, he said. She looked at him,are you sure,she asked. Yeah don't worry I'll go first ,he replied. He began touching her gently then he slid his hand up under her shirt and the other one down her shorts and into her panties. She looked at him in fear unsure of what he was doing. Just relax he whispered it'll turn into pleasure soon as he slowly slid his finger into her. She began to cry and then started to scream as he went faster she pushed him of f of her and began to run. He called after her no wait comeback.

The flashback ended,he shadows angrily tossing his glass and watching it shatter against the wall. She had ruined his life that day by telling now he was going to ruin hers one way or another.

Peyton P.O.V

Peyton shook hands with his brother Jackson and pulled him into a bear hug.How you been? Jackson asked I've been good,Peyton replied. Jackson looked behind him and smiled at Charity. And who might you be,he asked with a grin. She's here with me she come so I wouldn't be by myself.replied Peyton. Charity, Jackson, Jackson ,Charity, Peyton said . Well is quite nice to see my little brother is settling down finally ,Jackson said grinning. They were at the airport picking Jackson up for his visit to see Peyton. Jackson lived in London so his visits were rare. Jackson arrived at the car with his bags in tow . They all climbed in and decided to stop by sonic. After getting their meals they headed for Peyton house where Charitys car was parked. They pulled in laughing at a joke that Jackson had just told. Peyton was headed for the door when Charity said she would be right behind them,she just had to get something from her car. Boom,Peyton turned just in time to see the car explode sending Charity flying back onto the road.

Hi guys I hope this wasn't a sucky chapter. I'm just really tired. Send me some comments I would love to here what you think.

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