Chapter Seven

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I didn't return to school right away, but when I finally did, I had to wear a scarf around my neck. Thankfully, the school dress code allowed fashion scarves. I knew that the moment Brett saw me, he would know. He already did. I was starting to feel panic rise in my chest. The last thing I needed was someone from school finding out, let alone someone I considered a friend.

    Brett and I made eye contact, but he was quiet the entire day and we both knew why. Brad and Jenny seemingly noticed, but didn't say much about it. At least they were keen on social cues.

    It wasn't until Brett and I began our usual walk to the library that it all came to a head. I was walking behind Brett when he suddenly stopped and turned around to face me.

    Quick as lightning, he pulled the scarf down. Bruises laced my neck and his eyes zeroed in on them. He scowled before I tossed his hand aside and pulled the scarf back up.

    He narrowed his eyes. "You know what this looks like, right? This happened after I left you with your dad."

    "Brett," I started, "you don't know what you're talking about. You need to let it go." I pushed past him and kept walking.

    "Jessie!" He ran around and forced me to stop in my tracks. "This isn't right, you know it isn't." His blue eyes seemed darker as he stared at me with gross concern.

    "Brett, don't get involved." I argued. "Forget what you saw and let it go." I had no energy left to argue, my body was still recovering from the damage it went through.

    "How can you possibly ask that of me?"

    "Because you're my friend." I countered, in hopes that it would work.

    He scoffed, "That's exactly why I can't let it go. I care about you. What if something happens?"

    "Nothing is going to happen."

    "You don't even believe that so how am I supposed to?" He retorted.

    "If you're going to keep talking about this, I should just go wait for Tyler at the school." I informed him and turned to head back towards the school.

    "Fine!" He shouted after me, but I kept walking.

    After a few paces, I glanced back and saw Brett continuing to walk towards the library. He wasn't coming after me. It was for the best. I couldn't get him or anyone else involved.

    The next few days passed by slowly. I opted out of going to the football game, chalking it up to recovering from my 'car accident'. It wasn't until Sunday morning that my heart began to race again.

    "The Baker's are coming to dinner tonight." My father said to my mother in the morning.

    "That's a surprise. We haven't seen them in a while." My mom commented.

    "Yes, that was the reasoning that Charley gave. He said Clara wanted to see you. Brad is also bringing a friend. There'll be four extra places for dinner." He advised her.

    A friend?

    "Oh." She glanced at my father. "Would you like me to make something specific?"

    He thought for a moment. "Pork chops."

    My mother nodded, "I'll head to the store after breakfast."

    "Don't forget to grab that bottle of wine that Clara likes." My mother nodded again.

    "Brad never brings friends. What friend is he bringing?" Tyler asked.

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