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I danced with Death today. He plays hard to get. Making me crave him more and more. Everytime he leans closer amd everytime he leaves me starved for a kiss. Death's kiss.

It was an extremely dark room yet he is visible... his black cloak.. wonder why he always dresses in grim clothes when he is the most beautiful thing i have sought.

He moves far away and yet stays close. Drives me mad with his games of Catch. He hides in the dark and pops out of nowhere.

I wish I dont have to wake up in the morning. I want to keep dancing and playing with him. Been happier here in this dark with Death more so than Outside with the bright lights and dark souls.

This place knows no sorrow. No pain. No impurity. Death is as pure as pure can get. Merciful to many and Cruel to few. But my lover he shall always be and I his servant.

I can wait on him and serve him until the Kiss and forever more too...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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