Chapter 3

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Raptin POV

I ran forward to catch Duna. After I did, I looked at her, noticing several deep cuts on her face. There are probably more where those came from all over her. I glared at the triconodontas scurrying around me. How could they do this to her?

I took a deep breath and carried Duna into a nearby cave. It had shade and the sun was hot. I lay her down, hoping she would wake up soon. I needed to know that she was going to be alright. How could I not have noticed that something was wrong? She was so quiet - even more so than usual - and avoided going outside. She used to love exploring our new planet. I kicked the wall, angry with myself. I didn't deserve her.

Sighing, I walked back to where she lay. Kneeling by her, I brushed some hair out of her eyes, careful not to put any pressure on her bruises. Even if she's unconscious, I don't want to risk causing her any more pain than she already must be going through. I sighed, hoping that she would wake up. No, don't think like that! Of course she'll wake up! Nonetheless, a tear slipped down my cheek at the thought of never hearing her voice again. I glanced at her,

"I love you, Duna. Please forgive me for not noticing your plight!"

At that moment she opened her eyes,

"Raptin? W-what happened?"

I sighed in relief,

"I brought you here because it's so hot outside and shady here because I saw a cave and no one was there so I entered and noticed it was cool and..." I realized I was rambling, "I'm so glad you're alright! I'm so sorry for not helping you earlier! I would have if I was keen enough to notice, but I only ever seem to realize things when it is too late..."

I looked at the ground, not wanting to see how disgusted she must be with me. Instead, she said weakly,

"Nonsense. You must have come just in time, or I wouldn't be here!"

I just shook my head and helped her up. Instead of standing properly, she collapsed on me, so I half-carried her back to the town.

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