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    I awoke and reached out for her. Nothing. I felt nothing, the blanket was folded up over her side of the bed and she was gone. How did i not feel her move, how could i not tell she was gone? I got up and put my pants on before running out of the room to find her. "Nakire" i called for her as i wondered the mansion searching for her. I was so focused on finding her, I didnt notice slender behind me. I felt his tentacle grab my arm and he spun me around to face him. I stared at him, wondering why he stopped me. I felt him staring at me as we stood there. After what seemed forever he spoke.

 "you wont find her here" he stated , the hint of anger in his voice.

" how do you know that?" i questioned anger building in my voice, he acted as if he knew her so well.

"i"ve known her longer then you, she was once one of my proxy's, when she dissappers you wont find her unless she wants you to."

 I stood there in silence, she was his proxy once, then it clicked, LJ saying she was here once talking to slenderman, i wondered how i didnt put it together till now.

"so you think she doesnt want me to find her" i stated, crossing my arms.

"No im simply implying that she wont be found here, im sure she'll return, she did last time" He turned to walk away but stopped when i began to speak agian.

"And how long did that take?" i questioned. He didnt answer, he seemed to mumble under his breath before continuing down the hall.

"Answered me!" i screamed as i chased him. Anger built up inside me. I went to swing at him, as soon as i did i went rushing to the floor  face first. He held me down with his tentacles. 

"It took longer then i wanted" His voice rose as he explained, the stactic causing a headache to form in my head. " She took to long to come back and for the longest time i went searching but never found her. She was my first student, at first i hated her but i grew to like her. I worried everyday she was gone, Just like you will. At times i felt her presence, but she never showed herself to me. I hurt in a way i never thought i could but i didnt let it get in the way of my duties and neither should you." He sighed and then under his breath he said "she was gone for 5 years" then he blimped out leaving me there on the floor startled , alone, and there to process what just happened.


   I felt bad about leaving him there. i wanted to go back, to hug him and tell him i'd be back. To tell him i loved him and to hear it said to me in return but i couldnt. I had to do this. I decided he didnt need to know, not just yet, not until i found her. She couldnt have him, he was MINE. Only mine. Thoughts of the last time i saw her flashed through my mind, it had been 8 years but i could never forget her face. It was a face that has haunted me my whole life.

       I ran in, terrified of what i would find. I saw her, she stood over a body but i couldnt tell who it was. He was sleeping soundly, occasionaly he'd toss and turn as she whispered horrible things into his ear in a singing voice. She looked up at me and grinned before turning back to him, getting ready to strike. She raised the axe just above her head. I lunged for her, we fell to the ground with a loud thud. She struggled under me as i looked up above the end of the bed at the boy. Good he was still sleeping. I looked at him before turning back to her. "Ellana stop this madness, not every child has to suffer because you suffer sister!" i yelled as she thrashed below me. 

    I kept thinking about her. I didnt find her until i was banished here, father had done the same to her. She was banished here when i was 10. I remember lying in bed at night, missing her, my big sister. She always took care of me. When i found her here on this earth she looked horrible. Her right eye had been torn out of her face and the left half of her face was missing the skin. The muscles exposed. I wanted to help her, to help the pain of being abandoned go away.

The memory starts at my house. She had woken me up and stared at me. A smile on her face. She laughed and i could tell that the person in front of me was no longer my sister. She left and i followed her. Then thats when i saw her enter a house. I followed up the stairs and watched her enter the room, i began hearing her speak then a scream came from the room. Thats when it happened. The memory kept replaying in my mind. The axe, my crazed sister , and the boy. That sleeping boy, i had to protect him. He did nothing to deserve what my sister was going to do to him. The image of the sleeping boy came to my mind, his brown hair drapped over his eye and the look of fear was plastered on his face as he turned in his sleep. 

  I held her down, covering her mouth with my hand as she screamed. It took all the energy in me to telport her out of the house. But because i did so i couldnt teleport my self out. I had to leave out the door, but the sun was rising and i knew the boy would wake up soon, so i hid under the bed. Curling up so i wouldnt be seen. Sure enough as soon as i positoined myself under the bed, the boy awoke and lazyily got out of bed. He stood infount of the body mirror that hung on his door. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He then turnedto the closet and pulled out a white hoodie and black dress pants.

  I stopped dead in my tracks. The image of the boys clothes in my mind. I knew that hoodie looked familer, and that boys facial shape... i couldnt believe it. It was.. Jeff. No wonder she had an interest in Jeff, she wanted to finish the job i stopped her from doing all those years ago. I began to run now, i could feel the lingering of her aura, she had been here. I followed it. I must have been walking for a day and a half now. I was most definatly a long way from slenders mansion. I was in Moscow, Russia. This was the last place i expected to find her. I stopped at the entrance to an abondoned bar. Her aura trailed into there and i could feel her just beyond the doors. I straightened my back and took a deep breath before bursting through the doors.


  I couldnt believe this, i sat in my room, i had been here since my killing spree last night, 5 victums, two seperate familys, but it didnt help. I was still worried and filled with dread. She left me. How long did she expect me to wait. Forever? I cant. I know i told her i would but i cant. Was this because i told her i loved her? It couldnt be she said it first. Anger built up into me and i threw my knife at the wall. I couldnt just sit here. I stood up and snached my knife out of the wall, ran down the stairs and bursted out the door. I continued to run, i didnt know where i was going, i just let my feet take me. I was going to find her. 


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