Chapter 1

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"I will not listen to your shit anymore. You have never been like a mother to me and you never will be." I yelled at Sybil, the orphanage lady. I've lived in this place for 12 years, ever since my parents died when I was 5. And I just can't take it anymore.
"Violet, I'm just trying to get you to understand. You're safe here and I'm just trying to make your life easier. Please, all I want is for you to trust me. See me as a mother figure." Sybil explained.
"Yeah, like that'll ever happen." I scoff. She was the worst person ever. Whenever the other girls were around, she'd act so sweet and nice. But I knew under that clever facade, she was a monster. I was never her favorite. I was the troubled one, the one who never fit in.
She's hurt me over the years. When no one was around, she would hit me, kick me around, and I was the one to do everything around here. I had to do the shopping, the cooking, everything. Around here, it was like another version of a Cinderella story, but not just a mean family, but an abusive one, too.
The girls here were no better. They were mean to me. They laughed at me for no reason, they'd leave me out of everything and they, along with Sybil, kicked me out of the house sometimes. I had places to go. I have a job at an animal clinic, and I make pretty good money for that kind of job. I had friends there, though it was only one or two. And then the rest were the animals that I took care of.
With the money I made over the years, I was able to buy some things. I bought myself a phone and earbuds, and I almost never stop listening to music unless I went back to the orphanage. I had gotten into Archery, and I was able to save up for arrows and a bow, along with a case for my arrows.
In the mornings, I'd go to my job, and after, when I got kicked out of the orphanage, I would go into the woods and run. I had pretty good speed, and my agility was great, and yet I'm not sure how that happened. I would shoot at targets that I made on the trees with my bow and arrows. Then, the only good part of the day, I would sit on a cliff on the edge of the woods. It overlooked the entire city of Shadow Hill. The lights illuminated the city beautifully and I couldn't get enough of it. I laid back in the grass and stared up at the stars.
But of course, I had to be back to the orphanage by 10:30 or else Sybil will kill me.
I laid back and closed my eyes, asking for an eternity away from that hell hole. I guess I lost track of time because when I checked my watch, it was already 10:20. I didn't think I was out for that long.
I stood up and bolted back through the woods. I made it back past the animal clinic and ran the rest of the way to the orphanage, through the darkness and the rain.
I almost slid out of control when I reached my destination. I ran up the stairs and ran to the door. Trying not to slam it, I carefully closed the door and quickly but quietly ran upstairs.
Halfway up, "Violet!" Her demonic voice echoed through the building. I froze, and slowly turned around, hoping for all I have that she wouldn't hurt me. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her face was angered, and I knew that something bad was going to happen.
I slowly crept down the stairs and down to Sybil, and of course, the expected happened. She slapped me rock hard across the face and I fell to the floor.
"You will not disrespect my rules. You will be back here every night at 9 sharp. No questions asked. Now, go up to your room!" She yelled at me. I hesitantly stood up and ran upstairs.

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