Chapter 6

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James's POV
I was in class and I saw Violet and Oliver walk in together. I put in my earbuds and turned my music on. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and in the corner of my eye, I could see Violet.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked me. I didn't say anything as I just got up and walked out toward the bathroom. I stepped out of the room, ignoring the teachers calls for me, when I heard a familiar voice, the voices I wish I could strangle to death.
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, boys. Looks like somebody is trying to skip class." Michael laughed, stepping in my way. As I tried stepping out of the way, one of Michael's friends stepped in front of me. I demanded for him to move, but instead, he just stayed where he was, saying, "No." Suddenly, he tried throwing a punch, but pathetically missed. I dodged it and punched him, easily and effortlessly. Then, I took down the other two after the first one fell to the ground.
Then, Michael stepped up to me once again, and I just lost it. I punched him once and wrapped my hands around his throat. Just as I began choking him, I heard a soft voice yell out. "No! James, please, stop! Okay?" I recognized the voice, it was Violet. Sweet, precious Violet.
I let go, allowing Michael to fall to the ground. Then, struggling to stand, he said faintly, "Coward. You are such a coward. Listening to some little girl," I couldn't take it anymore. I threw another punch at him, adding two more after he fell back to the ground. Suddenly, I didn't know what happened, and Michael was across the hall. I had thrown him, and he had fallen into the classroom, the door broken down.
I started walking to Michael, then all of a sudden, I felt someone tackle me to the ground. I fought back, noticing it was Oliver. I pushed him off of me and just as I was about to get up, I felt Violet above me, though I started to black out. But, I heard her sweet, soft voice, say, "James, baby, listen to me. You are better than this. And I believe you can fight this. So, please, fight it and just know I'm here for you. It'll be okay." Then, relaxing, I was out.
I woke up to the sound of people talking and I saw Violet sitting beside the bed in the nurse's office. "Is he ok?" I heard her soft voice ask. "Yes, ma'am. He's ok. He was just stressing too much, and the result was him passing out. He should be fine, but you should go back to class, ok?" she explained. They both had such soft voices, but I could tell which one was Violet. I started to open my eyes, then, all of a sudden, I popped up and asked, "Wait, what happened? And why am I in the nurse's office?"
Then I felt Violet walk to me as she said, "I'll explain everything later, but now we need to worry about Michael, okay?" I looked up at her and said, "Oh, now you care?" As I get up and try to walk out, once I took a step, I felt a security guard catch me and say, "Take it slow, ok? You were just in a huge fight and somehow walked away without a scratch."
I had finally got out of the nurse's office and then I went to my car and left early that day for some reason. I went home to try and get more rest, but just as I got comfortable and started to fall asleep, I heard the doorbell ring. I managed to pull myself out of bed and go answer the door because my uncle is always out of town. So, I opened the door and to my surprise, it was Violet. I looked at her with confusion, wiped my eyes and said, "It's a surprise seeing you here. I honestly thought you would be with oliver and making sure he wasn't hurt."
She became sad, then looked at me and said, "Why do you always bring him up? I came to check on you because you could have went into a coma, and you bring him up?" She was pissed and worried at the same time.
Then, suddenly, adrenaline went through me and I reacted. "Well, I never asked for you to come check on me, ok? So, you can get back on your little bike and go back to school, ok?" She teared up, stormed off to her bike, and drove off. Then, I walked into my house, slammed the door behind me and yelled as loud as I could.
As I was watching tv I couldn't help but think about that argument. I got up to go to the kitchen and saw a familiar figure. It was a yellowish-orange figure in front of me, then it spoke. "You need to be careful and protect her." It said, and in confusion, I asked, "Who are you and why should I listen to you?" Just then, it stopped vibrating and took off it's mask. I looked at the figure and was shocked. "D-Dad? But how is this possible? You died in a car crash." I said. "That is true, but I never died. I was just in a coma for nine months." He said.
"Wait, so that's why you were so shocked when you saw me?" I asked. "Yes, and I also figured out your friends' secret, but that's for you to find out. But just know that you... no, The Streak needs to protect the Black Archer. She wants to protect this city, as do you. But, it is also your job to protect her." He said as he was leaving. "But, why though? She's trying to kill me, dad." I said in response.
"It will all makes sense in time, but for now you need to listen to me. Find the Black Archer, and help her protect this city." he said. "But, where do I start?" But, as I looked up, he was gone and there was a paper with an address of the next big drug dealer. "And remember not to trust the blue figure that you are seeing." I just sat there speechless and in shock, not knowing what to do except follow my dad's instructions.
The next day, I woke up still shocked at what happened yesterday. I got up and got ready for school and just waited for the time. I went and grabbed the paper with the address on it and walked out of the house. I locked the door, and got in my car, then started driving to school. As I pulled up and was getting my stuff together, there was a tap on the window. I jumped slightly, turned, and saw Violet and Oliver right there. I sighed, grabbed my backpack and got out the car.
I looked at them and asked, "Why are y'all here?" And then, Oliver started talking and I just glared at him and he slowly stopped talking. Then, Violet started to explain. "Well, it's because I want to talk to you. And he just follows me around." Violet mentioned, gesturing towards Oliver. "Well, you wasted your time because there's really nothing to talk about." I made my way past them and walked away. All I heard was, "Why is he such an asshole?" I stopped slightly, turned my head to the side and just as I was about to turn completely back around, Violet grabbed Oliver and they both rushed past me. I looked at them, and they both turned back around as I said, "Listen, kid. You better be careful."
I was walking to first period when I heard a faint voice say, "Tell her, son. Then, everything will become clear. Trust me, son." I kinda shook it off and walked into class. Sitting in my seat. Then, Violet walked in. I pulled out my phone, saying, "I need to tell you something. Meet me during our lunch outside on the bench." Then, I sent it. Seconds later, her phone vibrated and she read it. Replying, "Ok?" And she put her phone down. We went through the next few classes, though it was kind of hard with the tension going on between Violet and me.
Finally, the bell rang for lunch. I packed my stuff and walked outside to the bench and started listening to music. Then, seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulder and then her voice filled my ears. "Hey, are you okay?" I kinda shrugged and said, "I guess," I paused, looking down at my hands. "How was your day?" She just simply answered, "Fine,"
We just sat there and ate our lunch. Once we were done eating, I got up and started to walk back to the school. Just as I got to the door, she yelled out, "Wait," Then, I turned around and said, "What's up?" I stared at her. "What were you going to tell me?" I looked at her, realizing, and said, "Ohhh, yes. I almost forgot." I said as I paused, debating whether or not I should tell her. Then, I pulled out the paper and said, "So, I found out my dad is actually alive." But, before I could continue, I was interrupted.
"Wait, how is he alive? I thought you said he died in a car crash?" Violet pointed out. "Honestly, I thought he did also, but the way he came to me was weird. But, that's a different story for a different day. But, basically, he gave me a paper with an address of a big drug deal going on tonight. Then, he had to leave. I'm gonna check it out tonight and see what's up." Just as I stopped talking and before she could say anything, the bell rang and I walked inside, thinking to myself, I'll let her find out tonight since I now know she's the Black Archer.
The rest of the day felt like it flew past. Then, came night and I was going to the address. I arrived at the address and just as I suspected, there was a bike parked outside. I went in and saw a lot of drugs and the archer sitting there. She was captured and surrounded again. I needed to be careful this time because there's twice as more enemies than the first time. I cut the power in the facility and then started to take everyone out one by one. Then, I felt the power come back on. Luckily, I wore a mask tonight, so I kept going and took out almost everyone. I heard a shot, then I moved out the way.
Then, all of a sudden, a lot more thugs came with more guns. Then, I quickly grabbed Violet and ran. We were in an alley and all I heard was a bow getting pulled back.
"Why did you save me?" It was such a stern voice. "I saved you because you were in trouble and if you remember, I told you that. Whenever you want to find me, I won't be around. But whenever you need me, I'll be there," Then, at that point, I heard an arrow fire and I caught it. Violet had a look of astonishment on her face, shocked.
"Look, I know you think I'm bad, but I want you to know that I want to help. And I'm asking you to trust that I want to help you protect this city." I explained to her. "Why should I trust you? I don't trust people that cover their face." I paused and looked at her. "I'm so sorry." As I pull my mask of, "Wait, no. This isn't possible. How is this possible?"
I slowly walked towards her and reached out my hand. "Vi?" I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. "Please, stay calm, ok? I was never gonna hurt you, okay?" I tell her as she hugged me. Then, she looked up at me and said, "That was such a relief," Then, she hit me. "I could have killed you! Are you crazy?"
Then, she started crying with joy and held on to me. "So, that's why you were always so distant? That's why you were so subjective about Oliver always being around?" I just nodded in response. "I'm so sorry," I told her, caressing her cheek with my thumb. "It's okay. I knew you weren't that way, the way you were acting. I'm sorry, too. I just wanted to know that you were okay." She said, her hands on my chest, my arms around her waist.
"You were worried about me?" I paused in question. "Vi, I was worried about you. With the world that we're in, I can't help but think about the bad things that could happen to you, and I feel that I won't be able to get to you in time..." I went on, but was interrupted.
"That is why we have each other, to keep each other safe. Nothing will happen to me as long as you are there. We'll be okay together." She told me, and I couldn't hold back a smile when I saw her beautiful, sweet smile.
"But, honestly, you need a huge upgrade, because you can't go around taking down criminals in regular clothes." She said jokingly. "That's true, but where would I get a full suit upgrade?" "I know just the person. Just meet me after school at your house and I'll take you to the hideout."
The next day, I walked into school and noticed Oliver and Violet walking towards me. "What's up, bro? What you been up to?" I ask Oliver as he walks by. Just then, Violet ran up to me, giving me a hug. "I missed you." She mentioned as I laughed and hugged her back. She held on quite tight, and it wasn't normal. "Hey, you ok?" I asked her. "I am now." She answered as she yells for Oliver. Just then, he turns around and says, "Hey, Violet," I finally looked at him.
"Look, man, I'm sorry for anything I said or did to you these last few days. I was just having a hard time, ok?" Oliver looked at me and said, "We're cool, bro," As we gave each other a handshake. We were all walking to class when I felt something grab my hand. I looked down and noticed it was Violet just holding my hand.
We got into class and we started talking. "So, I have to tell you something, Oliver." I say as I look at him. "Okay, what's up, buddy?" He stated. "I'll tell you after school when we get to the hideout." I admitted. "Okay," He said simply as class started.
I went home thinking about everything that happened today, trying to process it. Just then, as I got out the shower, the doorbell rang and I ran through my house searching for clothes and rushing to clean everything up. I put on my jeans and opened the door and saw Violet standing there. "Hey, what's up, Vi?" I said, trying to act casual.
"You just got out the shower, didn't you?" She asked. "How did you know that...? Anyways, yeah, I just got out." I said. "Well are you ready?" She asked as she kept looking at my upper body. I put my t-shirt on. "Yeah," I said as I closed the door to my house and walked to my car. "Come on," I say as I unlock my car, holding her hand, leading the way.
"Wait," she said before I got in. "You don't know where it is though. How are you gonna drive?" "Vi, trust me. I know where y'all's hideout is." As I startup my car, I pull out of the driveway, Violet jumping onto her bike and following me.
As we were driving to the hideout, I kept hearing the same thing over and over. "You need to help protect her, son, and help her train." We pulled up to a house that looked burned on the outside. I got out of my car, looked, and sarcastically said, "Wow Vi. This is some hideout you've got here," Just then, she got off her bike, took off her helmet and said, "Why do you always have to be so sarcastic, James?" We both laughed as I followed her up some stairs and into the house.
We walked through two rooms, then to a third room where I heard a click and then a whirring sound after that. A secret door opened up as Violet looked at me, seeing my expression, and said, "Aww, what's wrong? Is somebody scared?" As she started laughing.
I looked at the passage and slowly walked towards it. All of a sudden, I felt Violet holding my hand. I guess I started to calm down after that because the next thing I knew, I was walking with Violet down some stairs. She clicked another button she had with her and the door closed. I kinda jumped at the sound of the door closing. "Hey, come on. Lighten up, babe," I was still a little scared when all I heard was, "Wait, don't tell me you of all people are afraid of the dark?" I looked down at her and said, "Only when I don't know where I'm going." She giggled a little and said, "Well, trust me, okay? And by the way, we are here."
I looked up and saw an illuminated room with all sorts of gadgets and stuff. I saw a weird suit. It was red and looked almost metallic. Then, just as I was about to turn and ask about it, Violet looked at me and said, "Calm down and make yourself at home. We are gonna be down here a lot so we can train." I looked at Violet and asked, "Wait, who is we?
Just then, Oliver came through the door, threw a ball and said, "Think fast," And right when I saw it, I caught it, looked at him and said, "Nice throw. You should tryout for the team."
"Thanks," Oliver laughed, adding, "So, what was it you were trying to show me?" I looked at him, kinda confused and said, "Oh, yeah," I stood up, looked at my hand, then looked back at him. Oliver's eyes widened as my hand started vibrating. "I knew it!" Oliver says with excitement. He tries to explain. "Well, I didn't know it was you specifically, but I knew it was a male because of the voice modulator." I looked at him, laughed, and said, "You are smarter than I expected, but it wasn't a voice modulator." I tell him.
"But how did you change your voice if it wasn't a modulator?" he asked. "Oh, that... that was simply me vibrating my vocal cords to make my voice sound different. And in y'all's case, deeper." Still shocked, Oliver was staring and trying to think at the same time. Violet spoke again. "Hey, Ollie. Isn't there something you need to show James?" She looked and sounded a bit excited. Oliver looked at her and said, "What do you mean?"
"The thing I was talking about," Violet hinted. I looked between the two friends, confused. "Ohh, yeah. I almost forgot. James follow me." I followed Oliver through two rooms and he led me back to the suit I saw before. "Ok, so look. Violet somehow talked me into making a suit that would reduce the friction of when you run, so I made that helmet to enhance your precision and what you see. And the rest of it basically enhances all of your movement. I also added a communication in the helmet so we can communicate."
"Wait. What do you mean by, 'we'?" I asked. "Oh, I thought Violet told you that y'all two are gonna be going out together and taking down crime. You don't know how excited I am that you are a speedster and you want to help." As I was taking everything in, I said, "I'm shocked you made this, and it's so... just... wow." It was quite unbelievable. "Wanna take it out for a test run?" Oliver asks as I look at it. But, before anyone could say anything else, I smiled and sped into the suit.
I stood in front of my two friends and instantly adrenaline goes through me. Then, I put on the helmet and everything looked different. As in everything was slower than usual, and it showed where a person would attack before they actually attacked. I got used to everything fast when I saw Violet walking outside and stopped in shock.
"Hey, Ollie. What are y'all... whoa," she said speechless "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot James, there's a system in..." But, before he could finish, I was too excited and said, "Whoa, this is so cool."
Then, I realized I didn't have to vibrate my throat to change my voice. "Yo, Ollie, you the man, bro!" I said awesomely. "Anything you need, I got you, bro," I say out of excitement.
"Hey, baby, take it easy at first, ok? I don't want you to..." But before she could finish, I was already gone. I got back and was looking around, "Yo, this is dope, bro," Oliver looked at me and said, "What's even more dope is how fast you were running." I took my helmet off and questioned, "What do you mean?" Oliver looked at me and said, "You are running 300 mph." I was in shock after hearing that. "So, you're telling me that I can run 300 miles per hour? Maybe even faster" I asked. "Pretty much, but the scientific term is right now you are at mach 3, but your speed is constantly increasing. You just have to train more and get better." He said with confidence.
"There's another thing I want to talk about." I said in confusion. "Ok, what's up?" He asked. "Umm, my energy goes down everytime I use my speed and I get tired. Why is that?" I asked in curiosity. "Oh, that? That is just the simple fact that your metabolism is used on your speed and then your energy goes down. So, basically, you gotta eat a lot of energy bars and I think I can help with that." Oliver told me. "So, what you're telling me is, I just need to start eating more?" I ask. "Yeah, but I can make energy bars for you to eat though."
After all that, I went home to get some rest when I heard a faint voice. "Son, Son. I need you to be prepared because there is an upcoming terror in this city and you will need Violet's help." It was my dad warning me of something coming. I responded and fell asleep.
I woke up hearing something on the tv. "This is just in. There was a bank heist at Shadow Hill Bank and the menace had some sort of animal with him that protects him. He calls himself A-aa-oh... Apex. He calls himself Apex and says this won't be the last time, whatever that means." I looked at the tv and I thought about what my dad said.
I got ready for school and played a game till it was time for me to leave. Why does this city draw so much attention? I asked myself. Just then, the doorbell rang and I jumped a little. I walked to the door and slowly opened it. Both Oliver and Violet were sitting there, waiting. "Hey," I greeted with a tired look. They looked at each other as Violet asked, "Hey, baby. Are you ok?" I was staring and thinking at the same time.
"James!" I heard someone yell. "Wait! What? What happened?" I ask as I look back at them. "Are you sure you are ok?"She asked with a worried look. "Yes. I'm sure. Now, let's go," I walked towards my car and just as I reached it, I felt something touch me and I turned around to see Oliver. "Whats up, Oliver?" I ask.
"Umm... can I please ride with you?" He asked. "Yeah, sure. I don't really care. Come on." I say as he walks around to the passenger side. "So, Oliver, did you see the news?" I asked him. "Dude, what are you talking about? There wasn't any news." He pointed out in reply. "That's weird." I say as I think to myself, Could it have been my dad? But how?
We finally got to school and I walked in when I heard people talking about Michael being back. I ignored it and kept walking to class when I kept getting flashbacks of what I saw before I left home. There is a new menace terrorizing this city and robbing banks. I snapped out of it by the sound of the bell ringing, walked to class, and sat down and said to myself, How am I hearing all this? Then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice say, "How are you hearing what?" I looked up and saw Violet standing there with a confused look. "Nothing, Vi. It's cool." I gave her a reassuring smile and looked at the teacher.

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