meeting new people

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A/N:My older sister who wanted her oc in this book is a triplet so her 2 sisters asked me to add their ocs

Jane Roosevelt


Looks:Just like Katy except she has black hair

Ashley Roosevelt


Looks:Just like Katy except she has blonde hair

Okay now let's begin

Y/N's PoV:

As I sat on Katy's shoulder enjoying the Beautiful Montana wilderness

Katy:Hey Y/N can I tell you something

Y/N:Yeah what is it

Katy:I am actually a triplet and my 2 two sisters are special like me but they are real trouble

Y/N:Oh okay

I looked away as I noticed a woman walking bare foot when I Saw some converse on the ground

Y/N:I'll be back

I got off her shoulder and grabbed the converse and ran towards her

Y/N:Hey Ma'am, Ma'am aren't these your shoes

The woman looked back at me and she looked a lot like Katy

Y/N:It's just in your head it's just in  yo-*Snag*- Okay fine I'm coming Katy

A few hours later....

As I looked at the Converse knowing I can't keep these I knew I had to sneak out tonight

Katy:Good night Y/N


When I knew the coast was clear, I quietly climbed through the window  and ran away looking for That woman

Not long after I was getting tired and eerie feeling like someone was following then I heard a twig snap behind

Y/N:Who's th-*Snatch*- HEY PUT ME DOWN

I took a quick glance at the woman as she looked a lot like Katy

???:I'm sure you've met my sister Katy

Y/N:Yes I have and what's your name

Jane:My name is Jane and the person beside me is Ashley

All of a sudden I saw the woman who was supposed Ashley look down at me

Ashley:You're coming with us


Katy' s PoV:


I woke up in fear and looked out the window and saw Y/N in the distance with Ashley and Jane

Katy:I'm coming

Timeskip to when Katy catches Ashley and Jane kissing Y/N..... (ohhh this is gonna be like a misunderstanding cliche)

Looking at Y/N with tears in my eyes, I couldn't believe he was cheating on me


Katy:How could yo-*Sniffle*- w-why

Y/N's PoV:

Trying to get out of her mouth, I decided to use all my might and kicked her chin, luckily it was enough for me to get out and fall on the ground


(0:04 - 0:08)

Y/N:Y'all.... are FREAKS

I sprinted all the way to a hotel and rented a room for a few days

Y/N:DAH, my arm, thanks a lot.... freaks

Not knowing what I had done to them, I took out my phone and played Vector

To be continued....

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