Chapter 1: The boy next door.

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Thomas's POV.
A boy moved in a few weeks ago his name is Newton. I have only talked to him a few times but he seems cool. Well, as cool as a nerd can get. Schools out for summer and this kid seems off.

Newt's POV.
I moved here from London, England a few weeks ago. We moved because I needed a new start. Why did I need a new start? Maybe because I was not meant to be in my last school? Or maybe because I got bullied? I don't know but I hope this year goes better.
2 weeks later!
Thomas's POV.
It's a warm summer day in July; July 4th to be exact. Tonight we are going to see fireworks at my aunts house, my mom says I have to invite Newt.
I really want to. I think to myself. But what if he doesn't like me, what if he thinks I'm a loser. Then I hear a knock on the front door. I walk up to the door and I open the door to see a blond, 17 year old boy.
"Hi." I say my eyes locked on Newt.
"Hi, my mum and I were wondering if you and your parents wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night." Newt says looking nervous his eyes looking into mine. He was slightly shorter then I was but he was a lot smarter.
"Uh... it's just my mom and I..." I look down scuffing my feet on the hard wood floor.
"Oh... ok."

Newt's POV.
Why is it just him and his mum? I think trying to keep a straight face.
"Uh while you're here I was wondering if you wanted to come see fireworks with me; tonight at my aunts with me and my mom?" Thomas looks at me with a sheepish smile.
"I would like that." I say blushing.
"Ok, uh we are leaving in about an hour." Thomas says looking down.
"Ok see you soon." I say walking away slowly off the porch favoriting my good leg.

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